Chapter 12

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“aw man! yeah” is all joan says

“noted. what about hera?” carci asks

“shit, where do i fucking start?”

“i dunno, she’s a god whats something recent that she’s done?”

joan makes a face that resembles a grimace. she shook her head slightly.

“carc, hate to disappoint you, but hera’s dead” joan says

“in fact she’s been dead for centuries!”

“but goods are imortal” carci says

“yeah, thats what they want you to see them as, these immortal beings that can't be killed or weakened. when in reality they’re just like any mortal. they’re killable creatures. the only actual difference is that there are only two ways to kill them  and when you do kill them their power and memories go to a mortal vessel until they’re woken up” joan says

Catherine looked at her sister and laughed. carci looked like she was having a crisis and was in complete awe at the same time. carci was taken aback. she had twisted feeling about this new information. she would never admit it but she did idolize some of the gods Hera being one of them simply because carci strove to be just as petty. 

“you ok?” joan asks

“carci be broken”catherine laughs


“you good man?” joan asked

“eventually” carci says

“oh ok” 

carci opened her mouth to say something when something hit her head and rolled into her lap. carci just stared at it for a moment. she turned around in her seat and looked at the kids behind her. she stared at the kid and he stared back. the kid looked a deer in head lights. they just stared at eachother for a moment before they registered each other.

“YOU!” they said at the same time

“you’re one o fthe girls frm the party!” he said

“yeah and your the kid who tried to flirt” carci says

“you gave me some guys number!”

“heh, nah that was my sister” carci says smirking at the fond memory

she could only imagine how that went down

“oh hey, its that kid who i gave john’s number too!” catherine says poping up to join her sister

“oh” he blushed from embarrassment

catherine shuckled

“how’d that go by the way?” she asks

“...” the kid’s face flushed deeper making the twins look at eachother

“oh boy i am so going to torment john about this” catherine says

“oh yeah. he is going to get some shit” carci says

“what?” joan poped up out of curiosity

“aw shit there’s a third” the kid said shrinking into his seat

“dude the hell?” a boy next to him said

“oh there’s a second” carci says mocingly

“hey” he said

“hey” carci said nodding

“Ryan” he said

“ooh” carci says frowning

“oh my gods” joan says

“carci do not flirt with the ginger friend” Catherine said

“aye watch it!” joan says flicking her forehead

“not flirting catherine im being friendly” carci says

“carc, my dear, you being friendly is different from normal people friendly” catherine says

“what are you doing here?” the kid asks

“well, we’re going to the camp moron” carci says

“whats your name?” joan asks

“Henery” he said

“mmmmh, noted” catherine says

they sat back down.

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