chapter 22

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“that mallory girl, she seems… very strange” joan says


“i cant think of a politer word right now” joan says


“but to elaborate she was far too quick to just show. both of you, and i would have done so too, didnt think of that as a solution where she did and just did without actually thinking about the fact that you two may not do magic” joan says

“yes?” they said unsure what where she was abut to go

“meaning a few things, either she’s new to this whole thing or she already knew that you guys could do magic” joan says

“oh~” they said

“see what i mean?”

“no well yes probably?”

“if she knew already somebody else had to tell her” joan said


“oh my gods Athena help me” joan mutters

“ok ok we get it” carci says

“good” joan says

joan messed with her choker deep in thought

“so… what do we do now??”

“just act like nothing happened?”

“ cant do anything else. we don't know who told mallory assuming someone told and how much about you they know and by extension how much the girl knows” joan says

the morning activities along with breakfast weren't anything special. The twins group learned archery and spear throwing; the twins were surprisingly good at spear throwing. they had some spare time after lunch which didn't seem to last all that long. it had started raining during some of the games so they all had to go inside to the main building. carci sat in an armchair, her legs hung over on the arms as she used the other as the back of the chair, throwing a ball at the ceiling. Catherine and Joan played janga on the floor in front of the chair. 

“AHA! I win again!” catherine cheers

“You are so cheating!” Joan said rebuilding the tower. 

“you’re just bitter because you suck” catherine says

“sure i do” joan says annoyed

carci chuckles as she caught the ball again.

“is throwing a ball at the ceiling like a hobby or something?” joan asks

“no” carci says

“its like a loading screen but for carci’s thoughts.” catherine says starting the game

“why is it anyone’s business?” Carci asks

“i dunno its bizarre, my brother does it too” joan says

“what does your brother have to do with anything”

“i dunno i was just wondering if there was something to it or about” joan says

“mh ok” 

After another lost round joan was starting to get a little spark. her normal pale complexion was starting to have more of a bronze color.

“carci” she says


“care to join us?”

“you would blow if i did” Carci answers

“why dont we test that?”


“yeah! Carci join us!” catherine says 

Carci sighed and joined them on the floor. few rounds later some other kids had joined in but the twins never lost. 

“either you two are cheating or you two are using witchcraft” a kid said

Carci laughed

“lets see carci vs catherine?”

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