4. The Dinner

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He hated Jeon Jungkook. 

He absolutely loathed him. 
Who did he think he was, threatening to fire him for something Jimin had no control over? How could he have possibly guessed the guy he picked up at a club would turn out to be his new boss? 

He had been fuming on the inside as Mr. Jeon had simply thrown him out after threatening to fire him, not saying another word and calling for the next Team Manager, making it impossible for Jimin to tell him in great detail what he thought of him. 

Fine. Maybe it was better Mr. Jeon had thrown him out. 
And the first thing he had done when he came back to his Team's office, was to ask Yoongi what his first name was. 
Jeon fucking Jungkook. 

He tried make it look like everything was all right and did his best to distract himself with work. But how in the world was he supposed to do that when a wall away, the guy he had hot, wild sex with the other night just threatened to fire him? To destroy everything he worked for for years with the snap of his finger?
Was this punishment for sleeping around?
It certainly felt like it. 

Jimin nodded to himself as he decided he would make an oath of celibacy as of today. 
No more one-night stands. 
No more men. 
All they created was bloody chaos as the last hour just proved yet again. 

"Hey, you okay Jimin?" came a soft, worried whisper and Jimin jerked at the unexpected feeling of a hand on his shoulders. He looked up to see Yoongi stare at him in worry, a deep frown on his face. 
"What's wrong? You haven't been answering me for the past five minutes and you look pale as a ghost. Is everything all right?"

"I'm fine," he quickly breathed out, but Yoongi didn't look convinced.
Of all the people in his Team he was closest with him. They had started work on the same day and though it had taken Yoongi a long time to open up to him, he often grabbed lunch with him.
Outside of work however, he still knew very little about him. He was a very reserved person but perhaps just as hard working as Jimin.
He often came to work presenting some new strategies and accountant plans for upcoming events, promotions and idea's they'd come up with. 

Jimin had tried more than once, to get the boy to hang out with him and his roommates, but the dark-haired boy had always refused, finding excuses, so Jimin had given up. Maybe he just wasn't the type to go out drinking. 

Speaking of going out to drink... tonight would suck. 
Company dinners, no matter how politely you were invited, was mandatory to attend. 

"Are you sure? Was it something Mr. Jeon said?"

Jimin went rigid but tried not to show his emotions as he quickly shook his head. 
"No, not at all. He's just... not like I expected him to be."
More like not WHO he expected him to be. 

But Yoongi nodded, looking a little puzzled himself. 
"Yeah. I mean I thought he might be a bit of a snob and you know... like a self-obsessed teenager, but he seems quite all right."

Yeah. Except that Jimin slept with him and he now held his career in his stupid, teenager hands! 
This was an absolute catastrophe. 
He couldn't even decide which emotions were stronger: his hatred for the boy, the fear for his life to get ruined or being stuck remembering how he had felt inside him. 
Jesus, he was a mess. 

A soft knock came at the door to their office and a tall, handsome boy snuck in his head, smiling brightly. 
It was the one who had stood next to Jungkook earlier. 
Kim... Mr. Kim... Namjoon? Yeah. That's what he had called himself. 
"Sorry for interrupting," he said as he came in. 

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