14. Tragedy

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Yoongi POV

He knocked again. 
And then again, before leaning closer to the door and in a rough whisper he hissed: "Open the door Jungkook! It's me, Yoongi."

No sound answered him and the door kept staring in his face unmoving. 
Damn it. 
It had been over an hour and Jimin was still not back. And even though he was told Mr. Jeon didn't want to be disturbed, he couldn't stay away. He had to make sure Jimin was fine. That they were both fine. 

He knocked again. 
"Jesus, Jungkook, open up! I just wanna know if Jimin's Okay!"

There was a low growl, footsteps and the finally the door unlocked opened...

...and a hand shot out, pulling him inside and immediately slamming the door shut again. 

Jungkook's office was dark, the blinds drawn low and only slits of sunlight filtering through. 
Jungkook stood before him in only his white blouse, no sign of his suit jacket and his hair looked messy and unkempt. 

And if that wasn't proof enough of what had probably went down -again!- his eyes found the boy sleeping on the sofa. 

His eyes flew wide as he saw Jimin asleep, Jungkook's Italian-cut jacket covering him up to his neck and his breathing even and deep.

Yoongi tumbled a step closer to his friend.
"Jesus, Jungkook what did you do to him? He looks positively knocked out," Yoongi breathed, but Jungkook only shrugged his shoulder, looking unapologetically at the sleeping boy as well.
"Maybe he shouldn't have hit me."

Yoongi's head snapped around, his eyes flying wide. 
"He did what?"

Jungkook's jaw ticked, his hands crossed in front of his body and his rolled up sleeve revealing the veins on his arms.
"He came in here, all angry and bothered and then he slapped me in the face and I'm not talking about a nick. He's stronger than he looks."

Yoongi cursed under his breath. Shit! He'd known Jimin was angry, but that he would go this far?
"Y-you're... you're not going to fire him, are you?" he found himself asking, because he was really, worried. 

But Jungkook only sighed, then shook his head.
"Of course I'm not going to fire him. And I think he learned his lesson."

Yoongi glance back to the sleeping boy, and only now did he see the red wilts on his wrist and the red spot on his neck. 
He choked and stared at Jungkook wide eyed. 

"You tied him up?"

A flash of guilt crossed Jungkook's dark features. 
"Maybe I lost it a bit. But he really shouldn't have hit me." 

Yoongi could do nothing but curse again, before he sighed deep and low. 
"You know," he started, trying to find the right words without sounding too condescending. He was still his boss, even if he was Jungkook as well. 

"I'm telling you because I really do like you Jungkook, but you guys have to stop this. Not because it's wrong and stupid, but because you're obviously no good for each other. I've known Jimin for years and I've never seen him this out of control. And maybe I haven't known you for that long, but I see the same worry I feel in Namjoon's eyes when he looks at you."

Jungkook didn't say anything for a long time, staring down at Jimin with an unreadable expression, before his face cracked and Yoongi saw something he had absolutely not expected. Pain. And frustration. And desperation. 

"I know that, Yoongi. I know it and I still can't stop. You think I wanted this? You think I like knowing I'm fucking up his life? I know it'll be even worse when Ji-Eun comes in two weeks, and I still can't stop. So tell me. Tell me how to stop this, and I will."

Yoongi stared at him- and said nothing. Because there was nothing. He could tell them to stay away from each other, but how was that gonna work if they not only worked together, but they were all friends now too and probably hang out on the weekends?

"Yeah. That's what I thought," Jungkook let out in defeat, seeing Yoongi's loss for ideas. 

Yoongi sighed and then: "Why don't you stop the engagement then? I mean, I don't know Ji-Eun, she might be a nice girl, but clearly you don't love her if you can't stop being with Jimin."

Jungkook laughed, but there was nothing humored about it.

"Ji-Eun is many things, nice isn't one of them. And no, I definitely don't love her, but I can't stop the engagement. As fucked up as that might be, it's not up to me. Many think I met Ji-Eun in America, but her parents and my father have planned this wedding since we were born. Actually, you might say their parents decided to have her exactly for this reason."

Yoongi's mouthed dropped open. Okay, that really was screwed up. Mr. Jeon Senior was making his son marry someone he didn't even love?
"And what would happen if you still called of the wedding?"

Jungkook eyes darkened, until they fell on the sleeping boy and fear flashed over his features, panic and devastation shimmering alongside it.
"He would make my life a living hell, Yoongi- and everyone who had a hand in the reasons in my decision."
He let out a rattling breath and looked back at Yoongi. He suddenly seemed much older with those sad, burdened eyes.

"You're afraid he'll get fired?" He breathed, his expression filled with devastation.
"If he found our about him- about us, he wouldn't just get fired, Yoongi. My father would make sure he'd never get a job again."

Yoongi tumbled back in horror, imagining this ambitious, hard-working boy to loose every opportunity he had created for himself- the thing he had worked for for years, spend countless hours in the office after everyone had long gone home.

"Why then?" he let out with a croaky, disbelieving  voice.
"Why would you get him involved in this? Why risk his entire future just to have some fun with him?"

Jungkook's hands formed to fists and he stared at Jimin for a long time, before snarling and turning to Yoongi with such and angry, desperate expression, he had no idea what to do with this kind of Jungkook.

"Because that's all it was at first. Fun and distraction. Even when I realized who he was. I thought I could stop and just have some fun before Ji-Eun came here. But now..."

He turned and faced the window, most likely so Yoongi wouldn't see his expression.
And in a low, quiet voice he whispered: "Now I no longer understand anything. I just know what I can and cannot do and letting him go is not one of the things I'm capable of."

"Don't. I know. I know I have to, but... can I not be selfish this once? Just for a while longer?"

Yoongi closed his mouth again, stopping his next words. 
He loved Jimin. Wanted the best for him, but the way Jungkook had said that last part- like a prayer and a plead, he couldn't. He just couldn't. 

"I'm sorry, Jungkook," he said instead. 

The younger didn't answer and Yoongi sighed quietly, glancing to the sleeping, white haired boy one last time. He looked absolutely serene and calm, sleeping like that and more relaxed than he had seen him in days. 
"Make sure he gets home, yeah?" Yoongi only whispered into the silence and then silently left the office. 

And in the darkly lit room with Jungkook still staring rigidly at the shut windows, his shoulders hunched and his head hanging low, while Jimin slept deeply and peacefully on the sofa, Yoongi felt like he had never seen something more tragic. 

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