8. The Party

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"Ahh, what is with the staring contest?" Tae let out, standing to Namjoon's and Jin's right, his glance bouncing between Jimin and Yoongi, to Namjoon and then Jungkook. 

"Wait!" Yoongi breathed out, holding up his hands in 'time out', then gaped at Namjoon and Jin, still standing in each other's arms. 
"You are Jin's boyfriend?"

Jimin had never seen Namjoon so lost for words as he gaped at Jimin and Yoongi.
Hoseok's confused voice filled the room next. 
"And you know Joonie how?"

"Ah," Namjoon let out, scratching his head while Jin stepped out of his embrace, his eyes skipping around the room too, then landed wide and confused on his boyfriend.
"Joonie? What does this mean?"

And of all the people, it was Jungkook who broke the news. 
"Oh... Jeez, this is kinda awkward. But Namjoon is actually working for the company Yoongi and Jimin work for too."

Jin gaped. 
"What? You're working with Jimin and Yoongi? But I thought you said you were a secretary?"
His head snapped to the boys in question, an accusatory blaze in his eyes as he stared at Jimin.
"You never told me about him!"

Jimin huffed out in frustration. Oh bloody motherfucking hell! How was his life turning into such a mess?
"Yeah, cause he literally started working this week and you were talking about about Joonie all the time and didn't even listen to me! And how the hell was I supposed to know his real name was Namjoon? You never told me that!"

"Okay, hold on boys," Hoseok stepped in, sensing the mood turning sour. 
"What's the big deal? I mean, isn't it kinda amazing you already know each other? Just a surprise, right? Now co-workers can become friends, just like we did with Yoongi."

Jimin was about to say something, but Jungkook's laughter rippled through the room. 
Jimin made the mistake of looking at him. 
Seeing his smile- his wicked amusement mixed with mischief glittering there and boom, Jimin was tingly all over, shortly followed by the burn of rage coursing through him as the devil opened his mouth. 

"I don't think Namjoon is the problem here." 

And then he had the audacity to wink at Jimin as he turned to the confused boys with a dazzling smile which showed his teeth. 
"I think the problem is the fact that I'm not their co-worker, I'm their boss." 

Jin, Hoseok and Tae looked like Jungkook just declared the earth flat. 
"You are what?" Jin let out, utter disbelieve in his voice, but the young boy only chuckled some more. 
"My last name is Jeon. My father owns J-Jeon's and has made me Overseeing Manager of the Marketing Team. So... that kinda makes me their boss." 

"Not awkward at all," Yoongi whispered to him, his voice dipped in irony. Jimin could only agree. 

"So," Tae whispered, his eyebrows narrowed in thought. "They," he pointed at Yoongi and Jimin, then turned to the still grinning Jungkook. "Work for you?"

"Yep. But," he smiled, bright and wide, stepping forward into their direction. Jimin felt himself tense as Jungkook stopped in front of the two smaller boys. 
"We're all professionals, aren't we? I'm sure we're all able to separate work and private matters?"

Jimin felt like slapping him again. Hard. He was one to talk! He had blurred the line the other day in his office.

And the smile he now shot him basically screamed that he was well aware as he reached out, offering his hand. 
"So. Welcome to my house. Feel free to call me Jungkook here. I wouldn't think of making you stick to formalities when we're all among friends."

Oh, Jimin was going to fucking murder him by the end of the night, but right now, he could do nothing but reach out and shake his offered hand, aware the other's were watching the exchange. 
He made himself smile and tried to ignore the little bolds shooting up his arm at feeling Jungkook's large hand wrap around his. 

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