19. Truth Untold

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Jimin was grinning like a stupid teenager in love as he unlocked the door to the apartment sometime past three in the morning

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Jimin was grinning like a stupid teenager in love as he unlocked the door to the apartment sometime past three in the morning. 

It was stupid. So incredibly stupid to feel what he felt, but his night with Jungkook... 
Oh, what was he saying, it had been a date. It had been such a date, going to that Jazz Club, hearing him sing, then dance with him until their feet hurt and they sat down to drink, both smiling wide and for the first time, there was no fighting. Almost as if they had made a secret contract to forget about everything around them for a moment. 

He wasn't Jeon Jungkook, his boss and he had no fiancé or other responsibilities. 
And Jimin wasn't his employees, no commitment issues and no track record of being kind of a man-slut. 

They were just two boys with no responsibilities or worries. Just a moment in time. 
And Jimin wasn't ready to let it go just yet. 
He wanted to fall asleep with a smile and dare think about what it would be like to have Jungkook, not be against him all the time. He wanted to remember the way the younger had held his hands on the drive here, then kissed him under the lamp light in front of the apartment, not caring about who might see, not caring that this was only a small escape from reality. 

But it had felt real. 
It had felt like Jungkook really wanted him in more ways than just physically, or he wouldn't have brought him home and kissed him goodbye with a gentle, yet dizzying kiss. 

In the morning he would regret it, and Jungkook surely too, but for tonight- just a few moments longer, he wanted to keep dancing on this cloud where nothing mattered but the two of them. 

He was sill grinning as he stepped into the living room- then came to an abrupt stop, the smile slipping of his face as he caught sight of them. 

Two boys asleep on the sofa.
Yoongi had his head on Hoseok's chest, the taller's boy arm around the small, raven-haired boy's shoulders, holding him close. Both of them seemed utterly relaxed and he could have sworn, there was a soft smile on Yoongi's face as he nuzzled his head closer in his sleep, taking a deep breath before letting it out with a soft sigh. 

Jimin didn't know how to feel about it. This was... amazing. He would love to see two of his friends get together. Would love to know they were happy. But he knew Hoseok. Knew he was probably the sweetest boy in this world, but sometimes wholly oblivious to the things right in front of him. 

And Yoongi... there was a reason he hadn't told the other's he was gay yet. 

He hoped they would find their way to each other, but like he knew the best, matters of the heart could get super complicated and he would hate to see them loose the friendship they had created. 

With a sigh, he let them sleep and went to his own bedroom. 
But seeing them on the sofa- it brought back some reality- the truth of what he was doing. What he was getting himself into. 
He lay awake for a long time as all the consequences swirled in his head, mixing with how happy he had been today. 

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