16. Apology

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I am so terribly sorry for not uploading for so long. I had exams going on and then went on Holiday with literally no internet connection (Seriously, how is that even possible these days?) Anyway... I did write a bit though, so please don't be mad. Love u all 

But let's get this show back on the road

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But let's get this show back on the road... 

Wit some smut involved, of course. And a twist...

Four days. 
Four days of barely seeing Jungkook at all. 
He had hardly left his office and when he did and Jimin stupidly followed him, he'd barely looked at him. 
He hadn't called him into his office either and Jimin never thought it would bother him this much. 
He was insane. 

He had stormed into his office on Mondays and told him Jungkook shouldn't call on him like a slave, then hit him and now that the boy had listened and hadn't asked for him, Jimin was disappointed. 

He glanced from his desk to Yoongi, then sighed more heavily. 
The situation between him and Hoseok wasn't looking much better either. 
They hadn't talked or even seen each other since Monday night, with Yoongi leaving with Jimin super early, then working after work at the construction site until he dragged his body home shortly after midnight, then falling directly into bed.
Hoseok had gone to bed earlier than usual and his normally carefree, happy laughter was dearly missed in the evening hours. 

This wasn't like him at all. 
Jimin could not think of a single thing Hoseok had been angry about for longer than a few hours, before forgetting it and only seeing the positive and bright side again. 
But apparently, the thing with Yoongi was different. 

Jimin was so not looking forward to the weekend with Jungkook and Namjoon joining them, and making everything more messy and complicated. 

So he decided to get at least one problem out of the way- the only one he could do something about. 

He stood and gathered his papers, slinging them under his arm as he went to the door. 
"I gotta discuss some things with the Overseeing manager about the upcoming winter collection," he explained to the team which looked at him questioningly. 

They all nodded and went back to work, safe for Yoongi, who looked at him with a tilted head and a worried frown, mouthing a : "What are you doing?"

Jimin nearly laughed. Honestly, he had no idea. No idea about anything anymore, other than that he couldn't sit in this office one moment longer, knowing Jungkook was literally just a wall away. Maybe he was making it worse, but it didn't feel like it could get any worse. Again, it was as if he had no control over his actions, only led by his stupid, stupid dick!
So he only shrugged his shoulders and walked out, crossing the space to Jungkook's office in only three steps. 

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