5. Mr. Jeon

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My only fair warning as usual! I've never written such a dominating JK 🤭

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My only fair warning as usual! 
I've never written such a dominating JK 🤭

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Literally all he wanted to do was get to his room and fall to bed, but no... of course not a single on of his wishes was answered as he unlocked the door to their apartment and was greeted by loud music and hooting boys. 

He took of his jacket and set down his bag, stepping into the living room, and finding his three roommates dancing and hooting to loud music, drinks in hands. 

"Whose birthday did I miss?" Jimin shouted over the music. 
All three turned around and then Tae came running into his arms "Jimin! Finally! Where have you been? Working late again?"

He wished. 
He shook his head. 
"Nah, company dinner with the new boss. Didn't have time to write you guys, it was a mess at work today." 

"Sorry to hear that," Hoseok yelled over the music and Jimin wondered how he had even hear him. Then the boy went over to the stereo and turned it down a bit. 
"So, "Jimin started looking at them and the room. They had ordered pizza, beer cans on the little wooden table and snacks lying around. 
"What are we celebrating?"

It was July, so the next birthday to celebrate was his own and still a while away. 
But to his surprise it was Jin who came tumbling over, clearly already drunk as he beamed at Jimin wide and happy. Happier than he had ever seen him. 
"Joonie wrote me!" he announced in a slight slur. 
Jimin narrowed his eyes in confusion. 
"Joonie writes you every day, Jin. He's kinda your boyfriend after all."

"I know!" Jin laughed and twirled to which the other tow boys laughed as well. Jimin was still confused.
"So.. what did he write that has you so in love and drunk?"

"Hey, I'm not drunk," the oldest immediately defended and a soft smile bloomed on Jimin's face. Jin was adorable when he was drunk. Especially when he smiled so wide, his eyes disappeared and his dimples made a show. 
"He's back!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands wide. 

"Back?" Jimin asked, still not getting it. 
Then he sucked in a sharp breath as he realized what Jin meant. 
"Wow! Are you saying he came back to Korea?"
"Yeah! How mazing is that! He said he wanted to surprise me, that's why he only wrote today, even though he's been back since a week already."

Jin had met Joonie on an online platform about a year ago, and the two hit it off immediately, writing almost everyday, sharing secrets, falling in love even though they never actually met. 
Joonie studied somewhere in America even though he was Korean and Jin had actually been thinking of buying a ticket and visiting him soon. And now this? 
Finally some amazing news today. 

"Shit. How awesome. I'm so happy for you Jin!" He screeched out and hugged his friend. At least one of them could finally be happy and hopefully distract him from his own mess. 

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