21 Broken Dreams

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 Everyone who thought this would be the happy ending...
You obviously haven't been paying attention... 

He was awoken by a soft, tender kiss to his shoulder, slowly rousing him from sleep. Still sleepy, Jimin blinked his eyes open and for a moment saw nothing but darkness. It was still night and something warm was pressed against him. Another soft kiss landed on his skin, now in between his shoulder-blades and a large hand caressed his skin, travelling along the side of his ribs, to his stomach and down to his waist, as if to outline his shape all the way to his legs and up again.
Jimin sighed happily as he turned and found Jungkook staring down at him. But the small smile which had been playing on his face fell the moment he saw the youngers expression.
In the darkness of the room, his face was thrown into deep shadow but there was something so... sweet in his expression. Jimin had seen traces of it before, but never like this.

There was no sight of the growling, snappy boss who loved to make his life infinitely more complicated. No. Here was a boy who was caring, sweet, loving and utterly at ease.
"I can't say I'm sorry I woke you. You look incredibly adorable waking up."
Even his voice was soft, like a sweet caress over his skin. 

Jimin found that smile again, wider and happier than before and couldn't help himself as he reached out and gently put a hand on the young boys cheeks.
"I wouldn't mind being woken up like this from now on."

Jungkook smiled, but there was a flicker of sadness in his eyes. Before Jimin had a chance to see it more clearly though, Jungkook turned his head to kiss the inside of his palm, the slow burn of his hot mouth sending shivers down his spine.
When Jungkook glanced up again, there was nothing but that soft, gentle smile.
"Tell me something about you. Something I don't know yet."

Jimin almost chuckled at the sweet question, but then started whispering to him. About his dreams and hopes, about his parents, about growing up and finding his way. He grew a bit more solemn when he spoke about the reasons he was so ambitious. About wanting to prove- somewhere deep down, that he could rise to the top even though his father left- even though his mother remarried and forgot about him, even though his step-father despised him. He told him about his bond with the boys too, his voice getting more carefree, and some stories had them both chuckling into the silence of the night. 

"Now you. Tell me something about you, Jungkook-ie."
The boy's face fell visibly, and Jimin put a reassuring hand on his cheek again, stroking it with his thumb as the words tumbled free from Jungkook's mouth. 

"I never really had any choice in my life. Since the day I was born- I was put into this role I was supposed to fill. My father's son and all that shit. It never felt right. I never thought like him- cold and calculative and win-orientated. I was always more in my head- in the clouds you might say. I wanted to paint and make music. To travel and capture the beauty of the world with my camera. I knew there was so much out there I wanted to see, but instead, I had to sit inside while the other children played and explored the world, while I studied business and other things that rarely interested me. I think my mother realized I hated it and I often heard her fighting with my father. I hated that even more, so I became good at pretending to like it. I think I played my role so well, even I forgot I hated it. It wasn't until-" he broke of and met his eyes, large and round and filled with something Jimin had no name for. 

"I think I didn't realize how much it suffocated me until I met you. Until I realized I never once chose something for myself. You made me want to sing again. To paint and capture your beauty with my camera. And to finally choose something for me. That I deserved that. To have a choice."

Jimin stared at this young, vulnerable boy in front of him, not sure he was breathing. Not sure Jungkook had ever told anyone what lay deep in his heart.
Silence descended and Jimin was still having a hard time breathing after hearing his confession. Slowly, he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, barely a feather-light touch before staring into those beautiful dark eyes.

"You do deserve a choice Jungkook. You deserve to be happy. And if you choose me- I can't tell you how happy that would make me."
Jungkook swallowed thickly and closed his eyes for a long time, as if to hide something.
Then slowly, as if he had lost some inner fight, he reached out again and pulled Jimin close, kissing him long and sweet and gentle until his thoughts were a blurry mess. Gently, Jungkook turned him, ending with Jimin back as little spoon, but Jungkook did not stop kissing him, trailing hot, soft kisses on his shoulders, nipping at his ear, then down again while his hands almost leisurely fluttered all over his body, the touches not demanding but coaxing, relaxing and yet at the same time pleasuring.

He felt the heat of his body leave only once for a mere second, the sound of a drawer being opened and then he was back, his warmth engulfing him once more.
"Jimin," Jungkook whispered against his ear, quiet but a little jittery.
"I want you to remember this, angel. Remember me like this, okay?"
Jimin frowned, which Jungkook probably couldn't see since he was behind him. But before he had a chance to ask what he meant- or why it sounded so... sad, he felt the taller's hand slip down, along the column of his spine, travelling south.

Jimin's thoughts blurred again, especially when Jungkook reached hit bottom, rubbing his large hand over his ass-cheeks in a slow but teasing massage.
Jimin wriggled, unable to help it.
It was intoxicating- this sweetness combined with the growing heat inside him, the growing want, his dick already growing in hardness in front of him. There was a plopping sound and Jungkook's low rumble against his ear was his only warning before he felt Jungkook's other hand slip beneath the covers too. With the hand still on his butt cheek, he gently grabbed it and spread it apart as his other hand- no his fingers, wet and slick started drawing lazy circles against his butt-hole. Jimin gasped, his hands folding in the covers in font of him, his head lulling back against Jungkook's chest.
"Moan for me Jimin. I want to hear those sounds," he roughly whispered against his ear, his hair tickling his face and Jimin did just that, the sound slipping freely from his throat as the younger slowly pushed in. He took his time opening him up, slipping in and out of him with ever growing pumps of his long fingers and Jimin moaned and whispered his name- the only one he knew.
"Slow. This time, I really want to take you slow, my angel."
My angel.

That alone made Jimin melt into him. And as Jungkook lowered his head to his neck to kiss him slowly, he felt his hard cock press against his entrance, slowly, coaxing as he pushed in so very gently.
Jungkook's slick hand had come around to his front, sprayed flat on his stomach while pulling him back, into that glorious length which filled him, so slowly, so gently, so fully.
Jungkook moaned roughly against his skin as Jimin gasped at how different it felt. This sweetness combined with the pleasure. And when Jungkook moved, circling his hips back and into his again, his world ended and started anew.
It was all he would want for the rest of his life. 

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