22 After Sunset Comes the Light

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Yoongi POV

Yoongi looked at the empty desk, sighing heavily.
It was weird to be in the office without Jimin.
He had never called in sick. Not once, even when he had dragged himself in here looking like a zombie. And now...
It was the fifth day.

And at home, no matter how hard he and the others had tried, Jimin had locked himself in his room and hadn't come out. Yesterday, they had to drag away a crying Taehyung from Jimin's door while the young boy begged his brother to come out and talk to them.
Even though it wasn't hard to figure out what had happened.

Jungkook had come to work, looking as he always did- nicely dressed in a suit, his hair styled back from his forehead and his shoes polished. But he was different too. Distant, cold. He hadn't seen Jungkook smile once, mostly pent up in his office and the one time Yoongi had sought him out, the young boy had only said there was nothing to talk about and thrown him out.

Yoongi hadn't tried again. He'd seen what he'd needed to see. Jungkook wasn't doing any better than Jimin. He was only better at hiding it.
But his eyes- there had been nothing but pain and devastation in his young bosses eyes.
It hurt to see him like this. To see them both like this.
It hurt even more as he saw the beautiful girl walk in this morning, stalking right for Jungkook's office and Yoongi had immediately known who she was. Lee Ji-Eun.

She was absolutely gorgeous, walked with an aura of confidence and arrogance, straight to her fiancé's office. Yoongi had felt like punching something as the two of them crossed him in the hallway afew minutes later, walking hand in hand.
Jungkook hadn't been able to meet his eyes, but he'd paled visibly, the flash in his eyes the only sign of how much he hated this. That he loathed the woman smiling brightly while holding his hand.

He had a pretty good idea what had gone down between Jimin and Jungkook. The younger must have told him. Told him what his father would do if Jungkook would break off this engagement. It wasn't fair. To know they loved each other but because of one stupid, albeit powerful man, they couldn't.
He wished he had an idea how to help them- but he didn't.
And feeling so useless made him sleep fitfully and uneasy these days.

Yoongi glanced at the watch, and sighed.
It was already seven again.
He should head home or Hoseok would be pretty annoyed about missing dinner again.
He stumbled at this sudden thought, blinking a few times, the decided he found it... adorable.

He didn't know when or how it changed, but Hoseok caring about him no longer felt like charity. Maybe because there was no more paying for clothes or buying him expensive dinner. And maybe because it felt... different now. But he couldn't put a finger on it. He only knew that he was already hurriedly packing away his stuff so he could be home in time.

That was new too. Different. To have someone waiting for him when he left work. Someone who cared whether he ate or slept enough.
But he hadn't taken one step outside the office and onto the street the sun giving it's last strength over to the day, when his phone vibrated.
His heartbeat picked up when he saw the caller ID.

"Hey Kitten!" Hoseok shouted the moment he picked up. A smile grew on his face, even as he said: "Hoseok, we talked about this. I'm not a cat!"

"But you like it when I call you that," the boy on the other end only said and he could practically see his cheeky smile on his face. His own smile grew.

"No, I don't."
"Oh, yes you do, kitten. I can see it. That's the widest smile I've ever seen on you."

His face slackened at the words, looking around. Then he groaned, loud and embarrassed as he caught sight of a boy across the street, phone against his ear and waving excitedly.

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