chapter three

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Danny pulled up to the house, putting his truck in park and turning off the ignition. He stepped out the walked up the gravel to the steps. Inside Jessica heard the car pull up and began to run around the house frantically. "shit where's my purse? Oh God." Danny knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. "Coming." Danny heard an echo from inside and couldn't help but smile. The door began to open slightly and Jessica peered out around it. Danny stopped for a moment to take in her beauty. Her perfectly set hair. Her bright eyes and shining smile. The way her sweeter clung to her curves, the neck lowering just enough in is view to show a sliver of cleavage. Her tight jeans showing off her round bottom and perfect legs. "Well hello pretty lady." He bowed his head to her and grinned. she smiled behind the door resting her head on the frame. "Hi Danny." She giggled. "Would you like to come in? I was just grabbing my purse." "I'd love too." He stepped threw the door not taking his eyes from Jessica. She closed the door behind him and turned to find her purse. Good lord. That ass. Danny watched as she walked down the hall. she hesitated and looked over her shoulder "You can come in." "uhhh.....yes ma'am." Danny responded. Following her into the house. she too a hard left into the kitchen and Danny almost lost her in his concentration on her glimmering pockets. "I swear I left it right here last night." She exclaimed puzzled. "Well lets retrace your steps." he said taking a step around the counter closer to her. "what did you do when you got home last night?" Jessica froze looking into his brown eyes. Thought about you. She couldn't seem to think of anything to say. Danny smiled at her. "maybe you left it in your car?" "Shit, I forgot I didn't get it out of the car." She put her palm to her forehead feeling embarrass. "I must have been in a hurry." Danny took another step towards her. "Hurry for what?" Jessica gasped and backed into the counter setting her hands on the cold edge. Danny awaited her response. She slid out from between Danny and the counter reaching for her car keys. She jogged threw the kitchen to the garage door Danny following close behind. Jessica unlocked the car and dove in, in search of her purse. Resting her knee on the seat her butt wiggling as she rummaged threw the car. Mmmm. "Nice ass." Danny whispered to himself. Jessica stopped and looked over her shoulder her hair tussled "What's that?" She asked slightly out of breath brushing her bangs behind her ear. "uhh...nice car." Danny said pushing his hands into his pockets and walking around the car impacting every inch of the body. "Thanks." Jessica dove back into the car. "ha, I got it!" Grabbing her bag she stood closing the car door. "yes you do." Danny mumbled again. "Huh?" She looked at him confused. "Oh nothing. Well should we go?" He asked clapping he's hands together and stepping up to open the door for her. Jessica noded walking back into the house and to the front door. They both walked out and Jessica locked the door behind them. Danny jogged ahead of her and opened the passenger door. "Well aren't you a gentleman?" Jessica couldn't help but laugh. "Always ma'am." He smiled and helped her into the talk truck. Making sure she was in he closed the door and jogged around the front of the truck to his side. Oh my God. Its so clean and it smells so good. She ran her hand along the door panel. So soft. Danny opened the door and jumped in turning the ignition. As the truck roared to life it shook and Jessica could feel the body swell. It sent a chill threw her and she pushed her knees closer together. Danny looked over to her and laughed. "What?" She questioned. "Oh nothing.....Its nothing." He laughed again grabbing the shifter. Jessica bit her bottom lip and watched his muscles flex as he shifted. " You could run the radio...if you'd like? I've got a pretty good sound system." She looked over to the lighted stereo. "Alright." She slid over closer to Danny so she could reach the radio. "Any preferences?" "Anything you like babe." Jessica stopped what she was doing and cocked her head at him. Danny never took his eyes off the road. She liked the way he said that it made her feel oddly comfortable. She fliped threw the stations until she found something she liked. "Is this ok?" She looked to Danny. "Fine." Danny moved to shift the truck as they pulled up to a light. Pulling the shifter down to Jessica's knee he knocked it hard into her thigh. "ough!" Jessica jumped pulling her leg out of his way. "oh IM soo sorry Jess! I wasn't watching IM sorry. Did I hurt you?" He took his hand from the shifter and sat it on her thigh rubbing it softly. "No its ok. I should have payed more attention to where my leg was." Her eyes went to Dannys hand on her thigh. She bit her lip trying to hide her smile. Danny took his hand from her leg as they started moving again. Jessica tucked her leg under her so she could stay seated next to him without getting in his way. When they got up to speed Danny took his hand from the shifter replacing it on her thigh running small circles with his middle finger. Good lord. I don't think I can keep this up. Jessica looked out the window trying not to draw his attention. "Are you okay?" Danny looked back at her. "hmmm?" Jessica came out of her daze and looked at him. "Your thigh? Does it hurt?" " Its okay." "Are you sure I hit it Pretty hard?" He slid his hand further up her leg running is thumb across her jeans. "I'll be okay I promise." She looked up and noticed he was staring at her. She met his eyes and felt her heart melt.

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