Chapter Forty-One

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George stood up from his chair as Danny walked around the corner into the waiting room. Danny looked around frantically for someone he knew. Spotting George motioning to him from across the room he stepped quickly over to him. His hair was a mess, he hadn't even bothered to run a brush threw it, he was in to big of a hurry to get to Jessica. George looked tired, mentally exhausted, he hadn't changed his close from the night before and they had dried to him in wrinkles.

"Danny thank god you got here." George exclaimed.

Danny looked at him confused as he took a seat barring his head in his hands. "I should never have left, and now I have really lost her." He cried.

George sat down next to him realizing his heartbreak. placing his hand on Danny's shoulder he asked softly. "What do you mean, she still wants you. All she has done this whole time is cry for you. Danny when she wakes up she will still love you just the way she has for the past year."

Danny sat up and looked at him utterly lost. "What do you mean when she wakes up? You don't just wake up George. Once you're gone you're gone." He was so confessed at everything that was going on. Fist he gets woken up in the middle of the night, then everyone is apologizing to him for his loss, and now George has gone nuts he thinks she is going to wake up.

"Danny what did they tell you?"

"Nothing really they just kept apologizing to me, telling me how sorry they where for my loss. The doctor he asked me a bunch of questions. I asked to see her but he told me that was not possible. I assumed they moved her somewhere."

George looked at him apologetically "Danny you just lost a child. Jessie hasn't gone anywhere. They only took her down stairs to run some tests. They have to see if her infection can be bypassed at this point. She is to fragile to take any chances. She should be back soon."

"She isn't..." Danny furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head not able to say the words out loud.

"No Danny she is still fighting. Like I said she has to much going on right now to even chance treatment. The infection in her body wont let them do anything to intrusive to help her, so they are running a few tests. Nothing to big, its just a precaution." George attempted to calm him without causing too much of a shock. "She has improved slightly sense last night her fever has come down quite a bit and her doctor thinks she could be taken out of a comma within the week."

"So she is getting better that's what you're saying?"

"Yes a little bit, however, Danny you have to keep in mind she is very weak her body cant handle the strain. Which means she could fall into regression at any moment. Right now its just a waiting game at this point. "

Danny nodded letting out a long breath. He hadn't noticed how uptight he was. "Do they know why she lost the baby?" He asked tooling up at George wide-eyed.

"No they are still trying to figure put where all of this came from." As he spoke a bunch of nurses and doctors rushed by with machines attached to a bed. They went into Jessica's room just across from where they sat. Danny watched them intently until they where all inside and the door closed behind them. George sat up on the edge of his chair. "Well that's her. You should be able to see her in just a little while." He smiled reassuringly at him, and Danny nodded. "Now Danny keep in mind she is still in a comma, her body is doing nothing for itself right now its all machines. She does look quite a bit different then you may remember. I don't want you to be afraid but it does come as quite a shock."

Danny turned his glance to him. "I love her George. I don't care what she looks like or how many machines she is hooked up to, I want to be with her."

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