Chapter eleven

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Danny took the bag out to the truck. placing them in the back seat and closing the door. Walking back up the stairs to the front door he couldn't help but smile. He jogged up the stairs to the bed room leaning against the door frame admiring Jessica's beautiful form. Jessica stood over the night stand in an orange sun dress that fell at her knee. the bright color bringing out her tan complexion and showing off her platinum hair. She shifted her weight in her white strapy high heeled sandals her perfectly manicured toes showing threw the tips. Danny walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and whispering in her ear.

"You look beautiful baby doll."

Jessica jumped at his presence feeling his warm breath on her neck. She hummed letting out a small giggle at his statement.

"You ready baby?" Danny spun her around to face him pushing her hair out of her eyes.

"Ya, just give me a second to check the dogs. Sarah is going to watch them while we are gone. I told her I had to go see my kids." She shook her head at her inability to lie.

"Alrighty i will go lock the garage and start the truck. Don't take too long." Danny laughed as he kissed her forehead.

Jessica watched as Danny jogged out of the room and down the stairs. Well he is eager isn't he? She laughed to herself as she continued to pack her things out of the night stand. When she finished she walked down the hall closing her bed room door behind her.

"Jack? Pine?" Jessica called for her dogs her heals clicking on the hard wood floor. Jack came running up behind her pushing into her calves almost knocking her over.

"Hey buddy. Wheres your little friend?" She laughed petting his head. "Pine? where are you baby?" She pushed open the door to guest room looking for her missing dog. Continuing down the hall way she found herself at a lose. She ran down the stairs to the main floor and down to the laundry room. She pushed threw the door in a panic looking over to the dog kennels still nothing. Where in the hell could that dog be? i swear he was just here. Jessica pushed open the sliding glass door to the back yard. Checking just in case Danny had let him out. as she walked out onto the rock patio calling for pine she is suddenly pushed back against the cold glass door. her heart racing and her head pounding she wants to scream but no words escape her mouth. All she can do is hope Danny will come looking for her.

"You missing something?" Beep voice asks with a slight laugh. Jessica takes a sharp breath realizing who is holding her.

"Danny!... You ass! I could kill you." She punched him hard in the chest.

He laughed pulling her into him "I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to scare you i just couldn't keep my hands off of you."

She pushed herself away from him walking back into the house. she is greeted by a small and energetic pine.

"Oh sure now you come." She pushes him off of her laughing as Danny slides the door shut.

"You ready babe? We have a long drive ahead of us." Danny asked as he pulls her in tight to his chest and kissing her forehead.

"Hmm can we just stay for a little wile longer"

He laughed at her request "What for baby"

Jessica nuzzled in tighter to him taking in his scent.

"Oh i get it." Danny laughed picking up her chin and leaning in for a kiss. Jessica stood on her toes pushing him into a deeper kiss. Danny ran his hands down to he firm behind and pulling her up to him. she wrapped her legs around him smoothing her thumb across his jaw. Danny carried her over to the counter setting her down on top of it. he pulled her dress up over her head revealing her lace panties and bra. feeling himself tighten against his jeans he pulled Jessica closer to the edge of the counter. getting down on his knees he pulled her panties off and placed them on the floor. Jessica pushed herself closer to him arching her back as she felt his hands brushing up her thighs and his hot breath against her skin. She ran her fingers threw his hair pulling him ttighter to her center. Danny enveloped her with his mouth running his tongue along her nerves. She tightened her grip on his hair feeling herself close to her breaking point. Danny flicked his tongue faster against her.

"Danny" She moaned as he pushed her back onto the counter top. Danny could feel her tightening against him all at once her body relaxed shaking slightly at his slow movement against her center. Danny stood kissing her hard tasting her sweetness as she returned his force.

"Mmm baby you taste so sweet."

Jessica sat up pulling his belt from his pants and slipping her hand around him. Danny moaned at her touch. he pushed into her hitting her sweet spot.

"Oh..faster Danny...please."Jessica begged.

Danny did as she asked pushing her harder against the counter. Jessica started to whimper. Danny could feel her muscles tightening around him bringing him closer to his release. Jessica let out a throaty moan as they both reached their climax. Danny clasped on her feeling her chest rise and fall as she caught her breath.

"Honey...I think...we should..."Jessica panted running her fingers threw Danny's hair. He sat up doing up his jeans and handing Jessica her dress.

"We should head out baby." He leaned down kissing her letting his tongue explore her mouth. she pushed herself off the counter And Danny led her to the door. she stopped as they reached the stairs.

"Danny would you please just tell me where we are going?" She laughed pulling him back.

"You'll see baby doll... I know you will love it. Just trust me." Danny picked her up setting her in the big black truck kissing her as he did.

"Trust me baby."

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