chapter thirteen

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Danny stirred from his sleep turning over on the sofa feeling for Jessica. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he came up empty. he panicked for a second feeling his stomach drop.

"Jess?" He whispered hoping she had only shifted positions somehow. "Jessica?" His voice getting louder. "Jess answer me... Jessica?" still no response Danny jogged around the two story cabin searching every room for her. Calling her name as he went. Finding no sign of her he sat down on the couch his head in his hands ruining his fingers threw his hair. She cant really be gone. She wouldn't leave, she couldn't. He pondered as he started to panic even more. Looking up from the floor he seen a small figure in the large chair across from him. He stood walking over to it. Jessica was curled up in a ball fast asleep. Leaning on her hand on the arm of the leather chair, her tinny feet tucked up underneath her. He watched as her chest rose and fell with her steady breathing, her knees tucked tightly to her. My baby girl. So precious, and sweet. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. Danny couldn't bear to wake her from her slumber. He brushed the hair out of her face kissing her forehead. "Well we cant leave you here can we baby?" he whispered trying not to wake her. He tucked his arms under her picking her up from the chair. Jessica took a sharp breath jerking from her sleep from the sudden change in her gravitation.

"Shh...I'm sorry baby go back to sleep." Danny hummed as she looked around uncertain of her surroundings.

her voice fell short "n-no I'm...I'm fine... I'm awake." Maintaining her sleepy voice.

"Jess did you sleep here the whole night?"

"Danny?" she looked up to him her eyes tracing his face still lost as to what was going on.

Danny laughed squeezing her tighter to his torso "ya baby its me."

Jessica wrapped her arms around his neck pulling herself up tight to him. She let out a long breath finding comfort in his embrace.

"Jess... honey whats wrong? Did you not sleep very well?" The strain in his voice grew wish concern for her.

"No... I was so lost.. It was dark, and i was sick...I-I just... Don't go." she clung tighter to him not wanting him to leave her alone again.

"baby what are you talking about? I would never leave you , you know that. You mean too much to me for me too leave now. Jess I wouldn't know what to do without you." Danny was lost in confusion.

What in the hell happened between last night and now. What did i do? Danny thought as he rubbed her back feeling her body shake as she began to sob.

"Its OK baby doll...Shh... I'm right here I'm not going anywhere I promise. Please don't cry... you know I cant stand to see my baby girl hurting."

Jessica dropped to the floor still holding onto Danny. She let her hands fall to his chest. Sniffling she whipped the tears from her eyes as Danny looked down at her.

"I'm fine... never mind, forget it." She waved her hand turning away from him, and walking out of the room.

"Hey, Jess... baby talk to me whats wrong?" Danny jogged after her as she started up the stairs. "Jess please?.... Do you at least want me to fix you something to eat?....What do you want?"

She paused for a moment tossing her hand up to him,and continued up the stairs. "Fix what ever you want." Still sniffling and trying to contain her tears.

Danny walked into the kitchen shaking his head. He started to fix french toast and eggs with bacon, Jessica's favorite, hoping he could somehow ease what ever pain she was feeling for what ever reason. No matter how frustrated he was with her at the moment he still loved her, and wanted to make her happy however he could. If making her french toast was the only was he could do that right now. Then by god he was going to make her the best french toast she had ever tasted.

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