chapter ten

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The next few days where hell for both Jessica and Danny. Being away from each other was killing them. Jessica sat in her dressing room with Sarah. She ran her phone threw her hands not really listening to anything being said. All she wanted was for Danny to call her. He had not so much as text her scenes Monday night and now it was Thursday. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to her it was that if he heard her voice begging him to come home one more time her knew he wouldn't be able to control himself. Sarah ran around the dressing room ranting about something to do with scene arrangements. She waited for Jessica to add to the discussion yet she said nothing she just sat on the sofa with her legs crossed running her finger across her lip.

"Jessica you haven't said anything all morning. What is wrong with you?" Sarah looked over to her out of breath. There was still no reply. Jessica just stared at the wall expressionless.

"God damn it would you say something?" Sarah screamed as she moved around the sofa and keeled at Jessica's feet.

"What?... What do you want me to say Sarah?" She looked to her in confusion.

"Something. Anything. Just talk to me. Tell me why you look so upset."

Jessica stood from the couch crossing her arms over her chest, She walked over to the rack where her costumes hung.

"He left me." she muttered to herself.

Sarah jumped up from the floor and glided to Jessica side wrapping her arm around her.

"What do you mean he left you? Who are you talking about?"

Jessica shrugged Sarah off of her walking away "Don't touch me. Its nothing. i just wish he would call."

"I can tell you are hurt so i will just give you some space for a wile. I will be right down the hall if you need anything." Sarah walked to the door closing it tightly behind her as she walked down the hall to mingle with the other cast members. When she had left Jessica let out a long breath putting her head in her hands. She looked up into the mirror and tried her best to do her make up and forget about Danny.


The rest of the day went horribly she couldn't run her lines she drooped a picture of water on Ryan soaking his script. When she finally pulled herself together enough to run a decent scene she got caught up in her anger and called Evan Danny.

"That's enough. take ten everybody." Ryan yelled from his seat throwing his script in the trash can. "Jessica come here I wanna talk to you for a second."

Oh shit. Here we go. Jessica whats going on? Jessica why cant you remember your lines? Jessica why are you such a...such a...screw up? she thought to herself as she walked across the set to meet Ryan.

"Jessica whats wrong?" Ryan asked putting his hand out to her.

I told you. she rolled her eyes. "Nothing i just... its just been a weird day. Ill fix it don't worry Ryan i wont screw it up anymore i promise."

"Jess what are you talking about? You have done just fine. I'm talking about the fact that every time someone talks to you, you act like you aren't even on this planet. Is everything okay?"

"Yes Ryan everything is fine. Can we just run it again please?" Jessica tossed her hand into the air turning away from him.

"Uhh.. ya. ...lets go again." Ryan stammered in confusion. "Okay everybody lets try this again."

Jessica ran threw the scene in a flawless take. Holding every emotion in one tight fist. She gave every line in a flurry making the cast jump at her sudden explosion of power. She had never driven such fear into them as she did giving those last lines.

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