Chapter Twenty- Five

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Pulling onto the long dirt road leading back into the large ranch house Jessica was starting to get excited. She was bouncing in her seat watching the white fences fly by the window. The lush green pastures once filled with horses and cattle pulling her back to a simpler time. A smile spread across her face as she remembered the first time she brought Sam here. To this place she loved, it meant everything to her. This was her retreat from the world when life got to be to much. She loved the horses how free she felt when she was riding them. She could disappear for hours on horse back that was her freedom. When she brought Sam here the pastures where still full of livestock. She could remember showing him every inch of this gorgeous land she held so near to her heart. She glanced over to Danny smiling at the warm feeling that spread threw her just being near him. He looked over to her smiling sweetly to her and placing his hand on her thigh squeezing it softly. Thinking of Sam made her feel so empty and Danny's touch filled that emptiness with love. All she could do was smile at him the way he made her feel being here with her. She started to tap her hand against Danny's leg as they got closer to the house.

"Look honey there it is." her voice was energetic and high pitched. Danny just laughed at her. As Danny brought the truck to a stop in front of the house he went to get out and help Jessica out. She grabbed his hand before he could open the door.


"What is it Jessie?" He asked concerned.

"Nothing..." her voice got soft. "Nothing ... just sit with me for a second?.... Just sit with me." She was staring off into space still holding onto Danny's hand.

"Ok baby what ever you want." he said quietly as the silence was now overwhelming them. Jessica looked over at Danny braking her trance for a moment. "I love you." Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. Danny looked at her watching her brown eyes melt. "I love you too baby." He pulled her into him kissing her forehead, "Oh I love you so much Jessie." Rubbing her back all Danny wanted to do was hold her. Just feeling her breathing against him was enough. Being close to her made his heart sing. The sound of a screen door broke them from their trance.

"Is that my big sister over there?" George called from the porch.

Jessica laughed looking up at Danny. He stepped out of the truck and grabbed Jessica's waist. She rested her hands on his shoulders as he helped her out. "Yes its me." She called trying to sound annoyed once she hit the ground. George stepped down off the porch and ran over to her. He grabbed her waist lifting her into the air and spinning her around.

"Oh Jessie its about time you came home." He yelled. Once she was back on the ground she patted his chest.

"Jesus between the two of you I don't think my feet will ever touch the ground." she laughed looking back to Danny who was now leaning against the grill of the truck. "Oh I almost for got." She stepped away from George and over to Danny wrapping her arm under his and around his waist. "George this is Danny.... Danny this is my little brother George." Danny stepped away from the truck still holing onto Jessica. The two shook hands and George stared Danny down.

"So your sleeping with my sister?" He asked sternly making it more of a statement rather then a question.

Danny laughed. "Yes sir, Jessie is my girlfriend." he put his other hand around Jessica pulling her tight to his side. George looked at the two of them nodding his head at Danny.

"Do you love her?" He asked.

Danny looked down at Jessica smiling to her. "Yes sir very much." he stared at her looking up at him.

George clapped his hands rubbing them together. "Well then I guess you're cleared." He started to smile. Danny and Jessica both started to laugh as Danny kissed to the top of her head. Grabbing bags out of the bed of the truck they headed inside. George walked along side Danny Stopping him at the stairs. "I will have to warn you thou..." putting his arm around his shoulder he continued. "You hurt my sister... and im gonna have to kill you.... Got it?"

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