Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The storm continued to worsen as George searched high and low for Jessica. He had every ranch hand and friend from town on horse back out looking. The dense forestry provided a maze of terrain trudge threw. With the roaring down pore even if Jessica was contuse she couldn't hear them yell. After what seemed like hours George seen a white spot threw the trees. looping around the crossing Jessica had tried to forge he made his way to the other side of the river. Seeing what looked like a mound of mud and fur under the tree he realized it was Gypsy. A sense of panic hit him oh god where is Jessica? The beam of his flashlight hit Gypsy's side revealing a shaking Jessica her body soaked and covered in mud. She lay curled in a ball Gypsy wrapped tightly around her. Dismounting George hit his knees in front of her, placing his hands on her side he pulled her gently onto her back. Now seeing the blood covering her clothes and hands he gasped. Calling over the other men he searched Jessica's body for the source of the blood. Coming up empty he lifted her into his arms as gently as possible. Jessica stirred scrunching her nose.

"Danny?" She cried almost inaudible. "I knew you would come back for me."

George fought back tears listening to her mumble.

"It's ok Jessie we're gonna get you some help."

Her body still shaking she fell back into her unconscious state. George lifted her up onto his horse along with himself. Cradling her upper-body in his arm her legs draped across him resting on the opposite side. Jackson, one of the ranch hands who also happened to be one of Jessica's closest friends on the ranch, stood at his side supporting her as George positioned her. His dark hair now soaked in the rain, his muscular fore arms strained in supporting her.

"Stay with the horse i'll get her back to the house." George commanded.

Jackson looked up at him in shock and shook his head. "No."


Jackson quickly mounted a large black paint horse. "Im going with you the rest of the guys will stay with Gypsy."

Figuring he had no time to argue with him George reluctantly agreed. Taking of threw the woods to the house George held Jessica tight to his chest, her limp body still shaking. The rain pored down on them and he tried his best to keep her as dry as possible. When they reached the house Jackson quickly dismounted and took Jessica form George cradling her in his arms, one under her knees and the other around her shoulders. George tied the horses in the barn and ran for the house grabbing the keys he met Jackson at the truck. George drove and Jackson sat in the passenger seat with Jessica in his lap still holding her tight to him. Fumbling with the heater George turned it on full blast.

"Shes freezing. Don't we have a blanket or something?" Jackson asked.

"No all I have is this jacket and its wet." George frowned. "Damn it, I cant see anything." He hit the stirring wheel turning the windshield wipers on full speed. Jackson quickly striped of his heavy jacket and shirt wrapping them around Jessica. She subconsciously snuggled closer to his warm chest the jacket and shirt warm from his body heat.

"Is she ok?" George asked.

"Ya shes still breathing if that's what you mean."

Jessica started started to mumble again. "Danny... its so cold." Jackson looked over to George in shock.

"She thinks Danny came back for her. I Don't think she is actually awake."

Rubbing her back Jackson whispered to her. "He's not here honey its just us."

"I wanna go home." Jessica mumbled. "Where is Gypsy?"

Jackson pulled her tighter. "Shes fine Jess she will be home soon."

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