Chapter Forty

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Danny ran threw the hospital doors in a panic. Where am I going? I don't even know where she is. Standing at the desk in the emergency room entrance he leaned over the desk.

"Excuse me im looking for my girlfriend? She was brought in last night." Danny asked

"What is her name sir?"

"Jessica, Jessica Lange."

"Umm... Yes she is up stairs in ICU. Fourth floor. The desk up there can give you more information." She smiled at him apologetically.

"Thank you." He pushed back from the desk and ran for the elevator taking him to the fourth floor. When the bell dinged signaling his arrival he exited the elevator to a sign one arrow pointing left the other right. The left hall way was ICU the right the women's wing. He paused for a moment his mind racing, if only he hadn't been so stupid he might be making a right turn down the women's hallway to see his child growing inside of the women he loved. Instead he was making a left to an uncertainty. What if she hadn't made it threw the night and he was to be met with the heartache of his own mistakes. She was the only women he ever truly loved the only one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. How could he bear loosing her like this? Having already lost a child he was clueless about he was moving purely on adrenaline. His mind was no longer in control. it was all his heart now. Turning left down the cold white hallway with grey carpeting and open windows along one wall he persuaded himself to meet his fate sooner rather then later. After all she could be waiting for him on the other side of the double doors just ahead. Two doctors came threw the doors passing Danny as they talked.

"Such a shame, she was so young and pretty too."

"Oh and that baby the poor thing."

Danny's mind immediately jumped to conclusions and he pushed his way into the open space of the office.

"Can I help you sir?" A young brunet asked from behind the desk. Her eyes glistening a deep green from behind her red rimed glasses. She stood with her hands tucked in the pockets of her maroon scrubs a lanyard hanging from her neck. "Allison"

"Ya im looking for my girlfriend." He stammered uncertain of his situation.

"Alright what's her name?" She asked sensing Danny's uneasiness.

"Ummm... Jessica?"

"Ok." She stated softly as she reached for a clip behind her flipping threw the pages. She got a sad look on her face as she placed the clipboard behind her on the counter.

"You're looking for miss Lange?" She asked just to be sure.

"Yes." Danny stated a little louder then he had expected.

"...And you said you where her boyfriend?"

"Yes, im Danny, Danny Huston. Is something wrong?"

She frowned up at him and turned to one of the other nurses at the desk mumbling something to her. She turned back to Danny sympathetically smiling at him. "Im so sorry for your loss. If you would follow me this way please Dr. Carter would like to speak with you immediately."

Danny was in shock he couldn't move.

"Mr. Huston?" She placed her hand on his arm.

"Huh?" He stammered looking at her wide-eyed.

"This way please." She motioned down the hallway and Danny followed her. His heart was racing in his chest. It felt like he couldn't breath, everything was a blur to him. A tall dark haired man in much the same stature as Danny stepped out of one of the rooms along the hall. His white jacket starched and his hair perfectly groomed. The nurse talked with him for a moment motioning to Danny, he couldn't understand what they where saying he was in shock.

"Mr. Huston? Im Dr. Carter." He held out his hand to Danny and he took it hesitantly. " I just have a few questions for you Mr. Huston, about Jessica." Danny just looked at him not saying a word. "Well first of all I would assume you have been told her situation?"

"To some extent I assume."

"Alright well, where you aware of Jessica's pregnancy?"

"Only sense last night." Danny frowned.

"Come with me please I have a few things you could clarify for me." He motioned for them to continue down the hallway.

"Wait." Danny stopped walking. "I want to see her." He stated.

The doctor sighed. "Im Sorry but im afraid that isn't possible at the moment. Could we please continue?"

Danny looked at him gritting his teeth. "If we must."

"How long has Jessica been in the habit of not eating?"

"What?" Danny blundered completely at a loss.

"She was severally malnourished Mr. Huston, especially for a women in her condition. Did she ever show signs of anorexia? Going long periods of time without eating, showing particular interest in calorie intake, irregular eating habits, Ect."

Danny paused thinking for a moment. She was always so cautious about her eating habits. She didn't eat much but it was normal for her. She had mentioned a few times about feeling fat or needing to loose weight for this that or the other, but wasn't that normal? "Ummm I guess she was a little self conscious but that's just Jessie. She never really eat a lot at meals and what not but she has always been a very healthy person. Eating vegetables, never eating a lot of junk foods, things like that."

"That makes scenes I can see what you mean. Has Jessica ever expressed to you any complaints of pain bodily or other wise?"

"Well she has been having trouble with her hip, but that is just an old injury nothing I ever gave much thought to. She gets head aches occasionally but usually she can sleep them off." Danny listed trying to think of anything else she mentioned often.

"Any mental instability?"

Danny's jaw clenched. "Now you just hold on right there. Just because you have a little piece of paper that says you are capable of diagnosing illness to any Tom, Dick, or Harry that walks in your office does not give you the right to tell me she is crazy. She may be a little off sometimes but she is not crazy, she knows more about most things in this world then I bet half the politicians running this country. She's smart she knows what's going on, just because she happens to be a little unpredictable or outspoken does not mean she is unstable. And im going to tell you this right now you will not no matter what degree you have portray her as such. She is sick that's all this has nothing to do with her mental capacity. I can granite you she could out philosophize anyone you put in front of her and never bat an eye, not to mention she could have been an outstanding mother to our child along with keeping up with her career and family. Now you tell me dose that describe an unstable person to you?"

"uhh well no.... However mr. Huston I do believe she is emotionally unstable. That doesn't bring her intelligence or her ability to contribute in society into question. It may hinder those things in some ways. I have no doubt she is a very bright women, however my question lies in her ability to control her emotions." Dr. Carter explained trying to bring Danny's temper down to a minimal.

"So she has a bit of a temper, she cries a lot, and her reactions are never the same. What does that have to do with what is happening now? That is one of the reasons why I love her; she is unpredictable to everyone but me."

"I believe that answers my question. lets move on shall we? How long has Jessica been working with you?" he asked.

"Well I have known her a very long time, doing projects together. I guess we have been working steadily together for about two years." Danny explained unsure what relevance this had. All the questions he was asking seemed stupid to Danny. This all had nothing to do with the fact he had just lost the best thing in his life.

"Has she seemed stressed at all with in those two years?"

"I assume, but its a lot of work. Especially for Jessie she makes it a point to have a say in most details of a project, in anything really."

Dr. Carter nodded making notes on his file. "That should be everything for now. Her brother is just down the hall in the waiting room, I would assume you would want to talk with him now. If you have any questions feel free to ask me at any point, and I am very sorry for your loss I can only imagine how this must feel."

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