Chapter Twenty

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*Authors Note*

Ok guys this is going to be a two part chapter because It is really really long. Part two will be up shortly I promise. So anyways enjoy, vote, comment and all that jazz. :) Love you all.

~Little Miss Lange

Danny lifted Jessica up further on the wall kissing her neck softly. Jessica could feel her body begin to tingle under his touch she let her head fall back into the wall rolling her blonde curls against the cold white surface. Danny sat her down on the ground again pushing her hair behind her ear and looking into her deep hazel eyes.

"Do you know something?" he smiled at her as she let her finger tips dance along his muscular forearms. He still had her pinned to the wall and she seemed to have no problem with it.

"It depends on what you want me to know." she joked with him knowing fully well that he knew she was very smart and could figure out what ever she wanted with out him having to tell her, but she wanted to relinquish all power to him give everything she had up to him in that moment. If he would have asked her to rob the capital building for him she would have done it. Of coarse she was still extremely drunk but non the less she wanted to be completely powerless to him; to let him be completely dominate.

"I love you. You are so beautiful."

"I know Danny you never let me forget." She smiled up to him wanting desperately for him to take her right there and kiss her. "Danny could we try something?"

"Anything baby."

She took his hand in hers lacing their fingers together, and pulled him into the bedroom. She sat him on the bed and walked over to the closet searching threw the drawers. Danny watched in wonder as she rummaged behind the door. Pulling a black silk scarf out of one of her drawers she walked back out to him.

"and what is that for?" he asked raising an eyebrow at her.

She placed the scarf in his hands letting the soft material leave her fingertips. "I want you to use this.... on me." She bit her lip with a small smile touching her lips. Danny looked up at her and then back down at the scarf. His mouth hung open slightly as he begun to smile.

"So you are saying you want me to..."

She cut him off not wanting him to say it out loud. "Yes baby that is exactly what I am saying." She took his face in her hands coming closer to him.

"So you want me to be in charge?" he wanted to make absolutely sure of what she was asking before he took advantage of her simple request.


Danny looked up into her eyes placing his hands on her hips and kissed her stomach. He stood taking her hands in his. Turning her around he held her hips tightly to him kissing her neck and shoulder. She puller her hair out of the way holding it over her opposite shoulder. Danny began to suck at her soft skin biting at her ever so lightly. Causing shivers to run down her whole body. He took the tie around her neck, that was holding her shirt up, in his teeth pulling it loose from her skin. She let out a short breath, and he returned to her ear.

"Relaaax." He held out the word as his hot breath drew across her skin. He slid his hands up from her hips letting one rest on the small of her back taking her shirt tight in his fist. With the other her wrapped her fingers threw her hair that was already in her hand taking a tight hold on her. She relaxed into him letting him control her. She let a small grunt escape her throat as he pulled on her hair taking his grip.

"To hard?" he questioned not wanting to hurt her.

"No sir." she answered shortly.

Danny chuckled at her answer. "Sir?... and what should I call you baby?" he got very close to her letting his lips barley touch her skin. She tried to speak threw her ragged breath and anticipation.

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