Off Guard

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        Honestly, my birthday weekend had to be the best time I have had in a while. Russell truly outdid himself. I was surprised at how much listening and researching he had to do to pull that off. Every detail was based on the things I loved and it just made me blush all over again every time I thought about it.

        I had to bring myself down from cloud nine so I could have a productive day at work. Everyone was looking at me and smiling because they said I had this glow about me. "Mr. Wilson must be treating you right, girl" My coworker Brenda said peeping her head in my office. I showed her some pictures on my phone from this weekend and she was raving about how "adorable" we were. It was definitely a blessing to know Russell though and I prayed we'd be together forever because I feel like we were made for each other.

        My boss called my department in for a meeting just to brief us on any updates and the progress of our latest projects. I really love my job. I have been blessed to work around people who really cared about these children and who were about their business.

        After the meeting and checking my e-mail, I decided to head over to the Children's Palace. Because of vacation and because of the weekend, it just feels like I haven't been here in forever. I had such hardworking contractors that I believed with a few more months, the palace may eventually be open for business, or play shall we say?

        I grabbed the keys to enter the place and walked down the hall. Finally reaching the door, I couldn't hold my excitement as I hurriedly stuck the key into the lock. The sight that I had caused me to lose my breath...

        The palace was completely trashed. I could not believe this. Wires were cut, insulations was pulled from the walls and ceilings and thrown all over the floor.  Red spray paint covered the semi-finished walls in words that said "Me first". Me first? Who would do such a thing? What type of person would enter a children's hospital and destroy something that was meant for them?

        I stood there for a second just refusing to believe the scene that lingered before my eyes. I can only think of one person who would do something like this; Allison. I furiously walked to my boss's office and informed him of what I just discovered. He stormed down the hallway and we eventually called the police to come and investigate. I seriously did not understand why this drama has to follow me.

        I went to my office, shut my door and just wept for a few minutes thinking about all of the hard work that the contractors put in making that place come together. I thought about all the phone calls, ordering, research and persuading I had to do. All of that work just flushed down the drain. This definitely caught me off guard. I may be weeping at the moment, but Allison was definitely going to feel my wrath.

        The police eventually came and they asked my boss questions like if there was anyone who worked here that had harsh feelings and that may want to harm one of us. I couldn't tell them that but I did pull one of the officers aside and inform them of my occurrences with Allison and how I believe she had been following me and how she showed up here in the parking lot. They took notes and told me to stay in contact with them while they did further investigation like looking at all the cameras on the hospital campus for any suspicious activity.

I could not believe this. My boss saw how dejected I looked and he could tell that I was crying. I really was in no shape to work but I wanted to stick it out since I had just returned from vacation. My boss insisted I go home. A kind policeman escorted me out to my car and I drove home and told me they were going to keep an eye out for this Allison chick.

*Here comes the drama...*

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