Chapter 1

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Having a grandfather like John Kreese changes a person. Growing up, I was always taught to be blunt, tough and have no mercy. To this day, those are the characteristics that make up who I am. My friends were primarily guys because girls were scared of what my grandfather could do, so I grew up with the neighbourhood boys around me.

A text message notification brings me back to reality. It was a message from my dad telling me about how my grandfather had gone back to teaching in the old Cobra Kai dojo again.

Cobra Kai, now that was a weird word to say again. I reminisced about my old days in the dojo. I practically lived in the dojo; my first steps and words were in that dojo. I watched many students grandpa Kreese taught come and go. One memorable one was a young boy named Johnny Lawrence, I was told stories about my grandpa's best student losing the All Valley Tournament. So how could I not be excited to visit my grandpa in California now that all these past memories came flooding back.

A knock came from the other side of her door.

"Hey Verena, did your dad tell you about the good news?" my mom asked.

"Yeah! I just got the text from dad. Does that mean I can go to school in California now mom? You know how badly I've wanted to live with grandpa and you always said the timing was bad" I pleaded.

Even though, I had some laid-back parents, for some reason they were against me living with my grandpa. Well, my mom in particular, my dad was all for it as it wasn't permanent and just for the summer.

"Verena honey, you know how I feel about grandpa Kreese. I just don't think it's a good idea for you to be spending so much time with him, I don't think he'll have much time for you anyways, the new old dojo will be taking up most of his time."

"No, mom that's the best part, I've been thinking about it and I can help train his new students at the dojo. I mean grandpa did teach me all the skills he knew so who more perfect to teach than me? A young, strong, brave student with Kreese blood running through her veins, don't forget a black belt, so basically, no one can take me down except dad and grandpa." I joked, but I knew my mom was still wary of this decision. "Also, I'm only gonna be at school for 2 months and then it's summer so I'll move back before the fall if I'm really not doing well there."

"Well..." Her mom was still not convinced.

"Okay fine! I promise to facetime at least once a week to tell you about my adventures and I'll text you every day just to prove that I'm still alive. How's that?"

"Alright that sounds like a plan, but you better keep your word, Verena!" Her mother said sternly.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you so much woman who gave birth to me I love you!" Vera screamed as she jumped on her mother and started hugging her.

Now all there was to do was text her grandpa, tell him the good news, go to a new school for 2 months, and pack for a sunny vacation to California.


"Quiet!" Kreese called out.

It was late in the afternoon on a Thursday, the students had already been training for 2 hours but Kreese wasn't done with them yet.

"Sensei Kreese, can we take a break? I think I'm going to throw up" Mitch complained

"Shut it assface! Unless you want to give me 50 more pushups."

"Yes, sensei, sorry sensei." Mitch replied instantly

A text message caught Kreese's attention bringing him to the office.

"Alright! You get a two minute water break then I want you in partners sparing." Kreese needed them trained and ready for the All Valley Tournament next week, it was important that Cobra Kai wins this time around.

Hey gramps! Mom and dad told me about you reopening Cobra Kai and let me stay for the rest of the school year till the summer! I'm on the plane right now and should land in a few minutes. I can't wait to show your students who really are Cobra Kai material. So excited to see you again!

- Vera

Walking out of the office Kreese chuckled at his granddaughter's humor. It was rare that Kreese smiled but when it came to his little angel who was also his best student, it was an exception.

"Is it good news sensei?" Miguel asked.

"It's great news. Class! Today we'll have a surprise visitor who might be our only chance of winning the tournament."

"But what about me sensei?" Miguel questioned

Kreese sighed, "if you and your buddy Hawk trained more we may not lose. Now, where is the kid with the lip?"

"Oh he's sick today sensei, but he told me he'll train extra hard tomorrow."

"He better, you two are the only decent ones in this class right now." Kreese stated looking over the group of losers he was teaching. "The rest of you pussys better be training until your arms fall off! Now Diaz, I need you in my office."

Miguel looked to his peers for help but they all slowly backed away from him, thinking he'd be in trouble. Miguel gulped and slowly walked towards his sensei.

"Sensei I'm sorry if I haven't been training as hard as you like, I promise I'll try harder please don't kick me off the team!" He blurted out as Kreese scoffed.

"You're lucky my granddaughters coming to whip all these losers into shape-"

"Wait, sensei you have a granddaughter? Wow." Miguel laughs at the thought of Kreese being a sweet and kind grandfather. "It's weird to think of you as a father, even odder as a grandfather."

"As I was saying Diaz. I need someone to go pick her up from the airport to bring her here, and you're the best option at the moment. Can't trust Assface, Douchebag or Bert, she might beat them to a pulp."

Miguel gulped at that and chuckled nervously, "well I appreciate you picking me to go sensei, what's her name?"

"Verena. Now off you go and bring her right back here."

"Yes sensei, right away."


Jex ✰

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