Chapter 16

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It was Friday now, Miguel, Demetri and I hadn't seen Hawk all week, apparently, he had gotten more tattoos and 'couldn't' come back to school until next Monday. The final bell had just rung and I was walking with Miguel out of class.

"So you coming to the party tonight?" Miguel asks.

"Hold on." I pull my hand on in front of Miguel's chest stopping him from walking any further. "You're telling me there was a party today and you decide to just tell me now?"

"I mean yeah, it wasn't a big deal Vera."

I roll my eyes at his response as Demetri walks up to us.

"Uh oh, Miguel why is Vera annoyed again, is she going to beat someone up?"

"No" Miguel says as I had said 'I wish' at the same time.

"Anyways, Demetri you're coming to this party too. Miguel and I can pick you up tonight." and before Demetri would respond I walked away back to my car getting ready to go home.


Miguel and I had gotten all ready waiting for Demetri to pick out which shirt he liked better. We had decided to all meet at Demetri's before going to the party, Hawk was even going to meet us here and drive us all there.

"Demetri, if you don't hurry up I'll personally dress you myself! Jesus just pick a shirt already!"

"Vera, now you know I can't do that, each shirt has a different purpose."

"That's it" I state as I hop off the bed and march my ass to Demetris closet closing the door behind me and glaring at him. "If you make me miss this party I swear to god I'm gonna call my grandpa on you.

"Hey, hey hey! I'm bascially naked here, some personal space would be nice." Demetri stated.

I scoff, "not like it's anything I haven't seen before."

At that comment, Demetri shut up and began blushing profusely. I see the first shirt on the shelf and shove it in his chest while throwing the door open letting us both walk out.

During that time Miguel had let red hair Hawk in and they were both staring at me as a pink Demetri and I were walking out of the closet.

Hawk had red hair?

No it's whatever.

Hawk narrowed his eyes at Demetri, as Demetri accidentally dropped the shirt out of fear, both his hands in the air.

"It's not what you thi-"

I cut Demetri off.

"Oh no Hawk, it's 100% what you think it is. You took too long getting here and I was getting bored" I say as I crossed my arms and started inspecting my nails.

Hawk just rolled his eyes and hopped off the bed standing near the door.


I smile and turn around looking at Demetri frantically trying to put his shirt on.

"Well guess our time got cut short." I wink suggestively before backing away from Demetri straight into Hawk. His hands instinctively held onto my arms preventing me from backing into him anymore. I turn my head and look up at him. "You wanna have a go in the closet with me Hawk?" I smirk while asking

"Vera, lets just go to this party and drink." He stated before letting me go and leaving to start the car.


When Hawk pulled up to the house, the party was already in full swing. I'm gonna be honest, people in Cali know how to party.

The four of us stood outside just taking in all the lights and random couples on the lawn making out. I shiver from the cold, rethinking if wearing this skirt was a good choice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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