Chapter 2

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Alright Vera, text me when you leave the plane and I'll get one of my students to pick you up.

- John Kreese

Smiling at the way my grandpa still ends his text messages, I get up from my seat and exit the plane. As I walked down the exit with my suitcase I look around for grandpa's supposed student that's picking me up. Most were drivers holding up signs, or families impatiently waiting to see their loved ones. I walk past them and see a kid my age holding a flimsy cardboard sign with the name Serena on it, I took a chance and approached the guy.

"Hey is the sign suppose to say Verena?" I question the cute brown eyed boy.

"Uh what? Oh- Oh! Yea sorry my bad do you know her by any chance? I'm supposed to pick her up." Miguel replied. I laughed at his awkwardness.

"Well, she's standing right in from of you." I chuckled.

"Oh god- I'm so- let me start again. Hi I'm Miguel Diaz, what's your name?"

"Well Diaz, my names Vera Kreese and I'm the granddaughter of the infamous John Kreese ." You reply with a smile on your face.

"You? You do karate dressed like that?" He questions while giving you a once over.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I ask curiously as I looked down at my own outfit. To be fair I had my hair in loose curls wearing a top and skirt with a matching blazer on.

"Well.. you don't exactly give off the whole 'I do karate' vibe" Miguel states. Just as he finishes his sentence I step back and sweep his legs out from under him. Miguel falls to the floor in surprise as I stand back up and fluff my hair out back in place.

"Oh yes should I wear my Gi out into public to let everyone know I do karate too Diaz?" You smirk as you walk closer to him. He brushes the dust off his Gi as he stutters his next few words.

"Something about you Kreese's calling people by their last names."

"Eh." I respond, "it's out of habit, sorry Miguel. Alright should we get going? " I ask.

"Yea let me show you to the car."


The car ride was a blast, Miguel and I really got to know each other well during the car ride back to the dojo. I told him about my school situation and he offered to sit with me during lunch and help me get to my classes on time.

As the car comes to a stop I climb out and immediately walk toward the dojo with Miguel trailing behind me. I could already hear the students training before I opened the door. I take a breath and pull the handle before stepping back into my home. All the students stop training and turn to see who was at the door.

"Damn Miguel you really got a girl to follow you back here?" A guy with curly brown hair questions.

"Shut it Assface, this doesn't concern you." Miguel replies behind you.

That's when you see him, grandpa Kreese. You make eye contact and he smiles as he speaks.

"Actually, it does concern Assface here. Why don't you guys fight and Assface here can show this lady what Cobra Kai is about."

"But sensei, she's just a girl-" The brown curly haired boy was cut off by grandpa's infamous quiets.

"Quiet! You questioned her attendance here Assface, and now I will show you why she's here. Now everyone make a circle and watch." Grandpa spoke as I removed my shoes and stepped onto the mat. I made eye contact with the boy they called Assface and smiled at him, yet he just glared at me as if I was the enemy. I shook my blazer and skirt off leaving me in a shirt and spandex and could see some guys checking me out. I turned around and walked to the edge of the mat handing Miguel my clothes.

"You better not drop my clothes on this dirty mat you got it Diaz." I joke as he shakes his head and holds onto my jacket for dear life. I turn back around and face 'Assface' on the other side of the mat again. "You ready to do this?" I ask. He doesn't even answer me and just scoffs. In a blink of an eye, I run towards him and roundhouse kick him in the head knocking him out immediately. As soon as he falls to the ground I step toward his almost unconscious body and reach my hand out. "I'm Vera." I smile, "What's your name?" I ask.

"Mitch." Mitch coughs as he takes my hand to pull himself up. Grandpa Kreese steps into the circle and stands up behind me while putting his hands on my shoulders looking proud.

"Class, this is my granddaughter Verena."

"Vera's fine." I tell the class.

"As you can see from Assface's encounter, we never underestimate our enemy, even if they're a girl. Now Verena will be our number one fighter in Cobra Kai, she will be here every class training you losers to be the best versions of yourself. Is that clear?" Grandpa asks and an instant reply of yes sensei is heard. "Alright, class dismissed, see you all tomorrow afternoon. And don't slack off just because it's a Friday!"

I step out of grandpa's arms and approach Miguel.

"So.." I ask, "Was that impressive or what?" Miguel laughs at my question while handing back my clothes.

"You just roundhouse kicked Assface out of nowhere! I think you're my favourite person in the world now."

I laugh at that compliment but before I got to reply, a cough came behind me, it was Mitch.

"Uh... sorry about earlier with the whole girl comment."

"It's fine I usually get overlooked because of the way I dress" I chuckle as I replied to Mitch.

"Yea, so, I was also wondering if you'd like to go out with me?" Mitch asks.

"Oh! Uh..." I didn't want to hurt Mitch's feelings but I also didn't want to go out with him. Thankfully Miguel stepped in for me.

"Hey man, it's her first day maybe you should give her some space and what if she already had a boyfriend?"

Mitch scratches the back of his head and nods along.

"Oh yea of course my bad, I guess I'll see you around Vera."

I wave at Mitch as he was the last student to leave

"Bye!" I turn back to Miguel and roll my eyes. "I could've handled that you know?"

"Yea but it's fun torturing Assface you know?" Miguel chuckled

I laugh at his comment.

"I think I'm gonna like having you as a friend Diaz." I spoke as we both parted ways after leaving the dojo.


Jex ✰

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