Chapter 7

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Hawk immediately turned in my direction, his expressions and clenched fists told me everything I needed to know. I won. He turns back to his friends and sits down at the table.

"Quick what's his last name?" I ask Demetri

"Moskowitz." Demetri says proudly.

I burst out laughing, "So you're telling me-" I begin

"Yup." Replies Demetri "Eli Moskowitz."

Obviously, I had to call Hawk again.

"Eli! Eli Moskowitz!" I scream out to the cafeteria.

People's heads now start to turn to our table. I see Hawk slowly turn his head towards me again, eyes full of fury and they glare right at my head.

"Uh, dude I think Vera's calling for you." Mitch tells Hawk as they're mid conversation.

"She's just trying to get on my nerves man it's fine." Hawk replies. It wasn't, Hawk needed Vera to stop talking before everyone figured out Hawk had such a stupid name.

"Come over here Eli I need to talk to you it's about your mohawk!" I yell once more. That's when people start putting two and two together and a stifle of laughs erupt. But what was more satisfying was watching Hawk get up from his seat and make his way over to Demetri's table.

I smirk as I see him trying to glare at anyone who dared laugh at his old name. He stands in front of my chair and I casually say while smiling.

"Oh hey Eli I didn't see you there."

Hawk bends down so we're eye level before pushing the words through gritted teeth.

"You better stop or I'll-"

"Oh sorry, what was that?" I act like I didn't hear the threat and direct my ear closer to Hawk's mouth. "I'm sorry, did I just hear you threaten me?" I question innocently. "The girl who kicked your ass on Friday? Kreese's best student." I smirk as I said the last part.

That was Hawk's breaking point, he stood up full force and was about to throw a punch in my face, when I caught it and just stared at his fist. Bless my fast reflexes.

(a/n: if you've seen Kickin' It you'll get this reference)

I chuckled, before telling Hawk. "You probably shouldn't have done that." I do a quick scan to make sure there are no teachers around before getting out of my seat and using his arm to flip himself over. Cheers erupt from Hawk's table in the back and others as I smile at them and do a curtsy at the applause. Meanwhile, Hawk tried to quickly stand up and make his way back to his table.

I turned back to look at Miguel and he was just trying his hardest to hold his laugh in while Demetri was in awe.

"Yo- you just flipped Hawk." Demetri states in disbelief. "Hawk! You just flipped. Hawk." He says again.

I laugh before saying, "best student my ass, he couldn't even land a punch in." I think it's time to embarrass him just a little more so I make my way to Hawk's table. Before leaving I turn to Miguel and Demetri and ask. "Hey you guys coming?"

"Nah." Miguel replies, "I want to see how this plays out." He chuckles while leaning back in his chair.

I make my way behind Hawk's seat before leaning an arm on his shoulder peering down at him.

"So, get any bruises yet?" I ask him

Hawk tries to shrug my arm off but I stayed put.

"What do you want, Vera?" Hawk angrily asks.

"Looks like Flamingo here's a little cranky with me today." I say to the rest of the people at the table as they burst into laughter.

At this point Hawk was fuming with anger, I could feel him starting to tense up under my arm.

"You're not wanted here Vera just leave." He says with gritted teeth?

"Oh? Really? I'm sorry." I say with the upmost concern. "Hey do you guys want me here?" I ask the table. A series of "yups" and nods come from the table. I lean my head down to Hawk's level before snarkily saying, "I guess the majority vote wins Goose."

Hawk rolls his eyes and I could tell I'm starting to really bother him. When he finally looked back at me he asks.

"What the hell are you wearing?"

"Oh this?" I gesture to my outfit while standing straight up again. "What? You don't like it?" I innocently ask. "What else is a girl supposed to wear? A polo and skirt is a classic." I state.

Hawk scoffs before replying.

"You should wear jeans like every other girl here."

"Ah but that's where you're wrong Penguin, I'm not like every other girl here, plus this outfit is cute why not wear it?"

"Quit it with the nicknames you can leave now, Verena." Hawk comments. 

"Mm I don't think so, I quite like this table and it's Vera." I state before shoving Hawk out of his seat and stare at the now vacant chair. " I put my hands out in front of me down at the table and look at everyone at the table. "Now that Hawk's friends are my friends, what do we think of my outfit?"

"Uh- yeah Vera it looks good, pretty uh- nice skirt." Chris replies as he stumbles over his words. I smirk at his reply while turning my head to look at Chris who was eating a sandwich in the chair to the left of me.

"I love what you're wearing today Vera." A boy who sat on the right of me blurted.

"Yeah I think it's so beautiful." Another one adds on

"Vera, you are the hottest girl I've seen." Mitch tells me.

"Thanks for the compliments guys." I smile and turn to look at the ground beside me before realizing Hawk had already picked himself up and was standing behind me glaring at the back of my head. I take a step back before putting an arm on Hawk's shoulder again leaning on him. "Think I just made new friends today." I chuckle before stepping forward and taking the seat that was Hawk's previously.

Hawk obviously had enough and started telling the kid on my right to move.

"Uh- I kinda wanted to sit next to Vera." He replied.

"Yea Hawk he wants to sit next to me." I proudly said. "You should just go find another seat I'm sure many people want 'The Hawk' to sit with them right?" I ask while angling my head.

"Move or I'm moving you Nathan." Hawk commands.

Finally Nathan sighs and moves so Hawk could sit on my right and proceeds to eat his lunch.

The conversation at the table starts up again but most of the talking was the guys asking about my karate history.  I smile to myself thinking, this is going to be a fun couple of months.


Jex ✰

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