Chapter 8

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"I swear to god Penguin, if you can't land a punch on me then there's no point in you being on this team." I state.

I was circling Hawk in the dojo while the rest of the students were slowly arriving in.

"Vera come on, I can do this and please don't call me Penguin." Penguin said.

"You'll get called by your real name once you land a punch now come on attack me!"

I feel a tap on my shoulder and it was Miguel giving Hawk some sympathy eyes as he pulled me aside.

"Come on Vera, that's just a little harsh. He's better than some of the other students here right?"

"Please, other than you and Penguin we'll never win this thing. I mean Chris and Mitch and maybe Bert might get a few punches in but we both know against other karate dojos they don't stand a chance." I tell Miguel. He steps back into the circle and I get into my ready stance. "Come on Penguin, I don't got all day, now strike first!"

Hawk throws a weak punch towards me and I instinctively catch it. I then use my free hand and throw a punch to his gut before sweeping his legs out from underneath him. I stare at him on the ground and just shake my head.

"Jesus Penguin you suck so bad it's giving me a headache." I tell him.

I walk away from the boy laying on the ground going to my bag to get my water when I hear Hawk walk in with Mitch and Chris behind him.

"14 hours in the chair, you wanna see this badass tattoo?" He asks them.

I turn around and see Hawk whip off his Gi to show them his bird back tattoo.

"Holy shit you got a baby flamingo aw that's so cute." I say almost spitting my water out as I walked up to them. Hawk panicked for a split second turning his back to the mirror in the dojo to make sure it wasn't a baby flamingo.

"Haha very funny Vera."

"Damn dude that's so sick." Mitch remarked, "definitely gonna get all the hot babes with this thing."

"I know right." Hawk smirked while checking himself out in the mirror.

I scoff before walking up behind Hawk to examine his tattoo more.

"Uh huh, definitely getting all the hot babes with this tattoo." I joke while slapping Hawk's back. Hawk flinched at the contact, pretty sure it was because the tattoo still hurt. But I like to imagine it was my strength.

"What's wrong with my tattoo Vera?" Hawk questions while turning around to face me.

"Oh nothing, just wondering how you're getting 'babes' in the first place?" I smirk

"What? You don't think tattoos are hot?" He asks.

"Oh no, I love guys with tattoos." As I said that out of the corner of my eye I see Mitch nudge Chris with his elbow. "This one just doesn't fit your personality."

"And why's that?" Hawk asks.

I sigh before leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Ohh I don't know Eli just doesn't seem like you, you know?" I turn my head up and glace at his eyes. A glimpse of the old Eli showed on Hawk's face before disappearing again as he shoved my head off his shoulder before walking away.

"No, I don't, Verena."

"I think this is a cool tattoo." Chris pipes up but Hawk was already too far to hear it.

I take my glossier hoodie off leaving me in a sports bra and spandex before calling out.

"Alright class, tournaments tomorrow so I better see everyone work their ass off! Miguels going to lead the class, I have better things to do right now."

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