Chapter 14

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(a/n: omg so sorry I've been so busy with school my teacher Edward Cullens sucks and gave us so many papers to write, my whole family got infected with the black plague and I just lost my great aunt's neighbour's dog to big foot 😭  that's why I didn't update for 43,200 minutes. But I'm back now!! )

Yeah, that's how crazy you all sound.


Jesus, it was so hot - not Robby, the beach, okay you dirty ass minds - and I had been tired out from all the beach volleyball and swimming. We all decided to take a break and just lay on our towels.

I laid perfectly in the middle with my left arm above my head with a huge beach umbrella that covered our eyes from the sun. On my right was Robby, who was napping on his back as Hawk, Miguel, and Demetri were on my left, sitting in a circle playing and battling with their Pokemon cards.

"Man, I hate this game. Why am I still playing with you losers?" Hawk scoffed

"Hey, come on! You use to love this game." Demetri replies

"Yeah, as a kid. Not anymore."

Miguel rolls his eyes at Hawk's response before laughing and saying.

"No way, it's just cause you're losing cause Demetri's got all the good cards."

"Whatever, I'm going to see if there are any hot babes at the beach."

Hawk brushes the sand from his shorts, stands up and gets out from under our beach umbrella.

"If only he knew that there was one not 3 feet away from him." Demetri signs, but no one heard him.


"Ughh." I woke up from my nap all hot and hungry. I pry my eyes open and stare at the multi-coloured beach umbrella above me. "Napping for that long wasn't the best idea."

"Mhm," Robby replies with his head still in his arms.

"Hey, can you get me my candy bar from my bag?" I ask while turning my head at the sleepy figure.

Robby turns his head to his side and peers his hazel eyes at me.

"Nope, you get it."

"Aw Roberto, please come on."

"Vera, the fact that you even called me Roberto makes it worse, and I'm still sleeping right now; this is all a dream." He sings the last part.

"You get me my Twix bar, and you can have a bite, yeah?"

"Fine." Robby responds and gets up to walk to my tote bag. I use the palm of my hands to push myself up in a sitting position and lean against the leg of the umbrella.

I see him bend down and dig in my bag before finding the Twix; a smile appears on his face. But the man doesn't even walk back. He rips the wrapper off then and there and chomps a big bite from the chocolate bar.

"Uh- hey! Roberto Almost All Valley Champion Winner Keene, I swear on my childhood pet fish if you don't save me some, I'm beating you up again."

"Try me." Robby smirks while staring me right in the eyes.

"You're really making me do this, huh?" I ask before getting up. "Guess he really is making me do this." I say to no one in particular.

I walk up to him before reaching my arm out to grab it, but then Robby quickly lifts his arm above his head. My eyes follow the Twix a couple feet in front of me.

"You take another bite, and I'll end our friendship right here right now."

"Oh, right here right now, is that correct?" He feigns innocence and asks before laughing and taking another bite. "Oh, Vera! This is so good you should definitely try some."

"Oh gee thanks. Not like I brought that for myself, you know?"

He brings his arm back down and pushes the chocolate bar in my face. I bring my hand up to grab it before he swipes it back.

"Ah ah ah, now come on Vera, you know me, now open up." He has a playful smile on his lips.

I roll my eyes before giving me a 'are you serious look'. When I realized my stomach was protesting, I raised the white flag and dropped my lips to the Twix as I was still staring at Robby. I take a bite before retracting my head back.

"The things I do for Twix." I whisper to myself before shaking my head.

Robby hears my comment and laughs as he pulls his arm around me.

"Man, the things I do for friendship. Want another bite?" He asks as he weaves his other arm around holding the chocolate bar, teasing me. I shoot both my hands out and hold his wrist before pulling his hand - with the chocolate - to my mouth.

"Yes, in fact, I think I want a couple more bites. I'm quite hungry."

We both break out in laughter before I hear a commotion behind me. I hadn't even noticed that Hawk came back from his 'hot babe hunt' and walked by Robby and me.

"Let's ask Vera if she wants to."

"Nope, let's go, Demetri we're done here." Hawk demands.

"But what about-"

"I said we're leaving."

Demetri looked defeated as he grabbed his things trailing behind a furious Hawk.

Before he could get too far, I unravelled myself from Robby and ran up to him.

"Hey, Demetri wait!"

Demetri turns back around with his picnic basket in hand and towel in the other. I run up and wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"I just wanted to say thanks for coming today. It was fun; we should do this more often."

When I pull away, Demetri's mouth was gaping open, eyes frantic, and he looked like he didn't know where to look. Oh yea I was still in my swimsuit, wasn't I?

"Uhhh... yea no problem! I do this all the time too, you know, like go to the beach with g-girls and uh-"

"Demetri!" Hawk yells as I see him cross his arms and stand next to his car before Demetri quickly turns back around and hurries back to Hawk.

I feel the presence of two shadows next to me before I realize it's Robby and Miguel.

"You know." Robby starts as he lowers his head, so his lips were to my ears. "That guy's got the biggest crush on you."

"Oh really?" I ask, intrigued as I turn my head to look at him, our faces inches apart. "Yeah, I definitely couldn't tell with his nerves and stuttering." I chuckle

With our heads so close, I almost didn't hear the rev of a car engine speeding out of the beach parking lot. Almost.

A cough brings me back to reality, and I realize it's Miguel on my other side.

"Vera, you really have all these guys pussy whipped for you." Miguel says as he shakes his head and laughs.

We all laugh at the joke before I turn back to Robby, bring both my hands to his shoulder and leaned my body against his side.

"Yeah, you're pussy whipped for me too, right Keene?"

"Mhm, sure, Vera, whatever you say." He replies and looks away while smiling.

Hook. Line. Sinker.

I knew I had these guys in the palm of my hand; it was too easy. I was never here for a relationship. I was here to have a 'hot girl summer,' as they called it. Some flirting here and there never hurt anyone. Right?


Jex ✰

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