Chapter 11

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The drive to Denny's was so relaxing, the car had really smooth suspensions, so all the bumps and cracks on the road we had barely felt.

Meaning if the car was somehow shaking or bouncing a lot, (moving or in parked)  the suspension would soften those feelings, if you catch my drift ;)

Anyways! Back to the topic, I was pulling into the parking lot of Denny's as Robby finished telling me about his home life back in California.

"Surfing huh?" I ask as I put the car in park and turn the engine off.

"Yeah, well I mean, it started off as a hobby and I kept going every day... and here we are I guess." Robby replied while reaching to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No way." I laugh, "You've got to show some moves one day."

"Nah, you're probably better at surfing than me." He chuckles a little nervously.

"Alright let me strip real quick and we can go test that out shall we?" I joke

He turns his head at me and flashes his pearly whites before laughing, a real genuine laugh. The moment felt so surreal and peaceful, before a text message interrupted telling me to "get my ass into Denny's before Miguel tattles on me to my grandpa".

I shove my phone into the back of my Levi shorts before getting out of the car. My cropped button up polo was the right choice to match the dark shorts however, the shorts were slipping off my waist and it looked off.

I walked to the trunk of the Mazda as I saw Robby waiting for me to walk in together. I looked down at our shoes before an idea popped into my head.

"Hey Robby quick question?"

"Yeah what's up?" he replies.

"Can I have one of your shoelaces? These shorts are a little baggy." I embarrassingly ask.

"Vera I've gotta say, you ask the strangest questions." Robby chuckles before handing me an extra shoelace he had in his trunk. "You owe me one."

(a/n: heres a picture if you don't know what I'm talking about. But imagine it's tied through the front like a belt)

After tying up my shorts and making a surprisingly cute knot in the front, we walk into the doors of Denny

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After tying up my shorts and making a surprisingly cute knot in the front, we walk into the doors of Denny. And by we, I meant Robby made sure to walk faster than me so he could hold the door open.

What a gentlemen huh? Jokes he was actually really hungry and shoved me in faster to get our table.

"Okay okay jeez, someones mad they didn't win huh?" I ask jokingly

"Yeah, sure sure Vera. I was the one that lost."

We bickered all the way to the table before I saw Miguel and Demetri wave me over. Robby and I walk up to the table staring at the only spot left, which was coincidentally next to Hawk at the end of the booth.

"Hey guys." I smile at them as they all said their hellos and Hawk was just silently munching on his mozzarella sticks.

Miguel raises his eyebrows at me in a suggestive tone before asking.

"You guys took so long to get here any reason why?"

I scoff before leaning an elbow on Robby's shoulder before answering.

"Because this guy." I point using my thumb "had to get changed, read out the rules to his precious baby, and show me how well the suspension worked on his car."

As I said that Miguel was drinking water and started choking on it and almost spit it on Hawk who was the closest person in front of him.

"He- sh- howed-  you his wh- what?" Miguel asked, trying to make his sentence sound coherent.

"Yeah we definitely had sex in my car. Definitely how I showed her my suspensions." Robby said with a straight face on as he lifted his right arm and put it around my waist pulling me in.

After that sentence everyone stopped what they were doing at the table and stared at the both of us. In the back of the booth, Chris and Mitch just looked between the two of us in shock.

I sighed and stepped forward, removing Robby's arm from my waist before leaning my arm on Robby's shoulder.

"You guys will believe anything huh?" I ask shaking my head. I look up at Robby before signalling with my head that I wanted him to sit in the booth.

"Here Vera you can sit I'll grab a chair." Robby stated as he began walking towards another table to grab a chair.

"No wait hold on-"

Before I could even tell him to stop Robby plopped the chair at the end of the booth getting ready to sit on it. I immediately reacted and slid myself in front of him so I could sit on the chair first.

I look up and see him pinch the bridge of his nose looking up at the Denny's ceiling before letting out a breath.

"Yeah, yeah alright you were trying to be nice, now go sit your ass next to Hawk. You guys should try and get along."

Miguel scoffs at my comment and chuckles to himself and he and Demetri continue their conversation about the new Star Wars movie.

Robby stares at the spot next to Hawk as he watched Hawk munch on his mozzarella sticks.

"Jesus Christ, Hawk have some manners and scoot on over!" I exclaim.

At that Hawk sighed and took his stuff before moving in closer to Chris.

Finally, Robby sat down and immediately turned back to me so we could continue our 'bickering'.


Besties I'm afraid to tell you this...

THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS MIGHT BE A ROBBIE KEENE FANFIC 😩 I couldn't pass up this opportunity. Kinda sorry but not really.

Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do :)

Jex ✰

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