Chapter 5

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I had been waiting here for about five minutes and still no Miguel. So here I am, freezing my ass off just leaning on my surfboard in hopes my bag will just miraculously appear. I'll give Chris and Mitch one more minute before I'm just going to walk home in this bikini.

I was lost in thought before a figure slowly moved towards me. I look up hoping it was Miguel but my eyes are met with a tall curly hazel haired boy nervously approaching me as he opens his mouth to speak.

"Well uh hello there." The boy began, "sorry if I'm bothering you, I uh, don't normally converse with the opposite sex, well except for my mom."

I began laughing at that joke before replying.

"You should talk to girls more often, you're funny."

"Oh! Wait- really?" Asks the boy. "Well in that case, hi my names Demetri." he tells me with his arm stretched out, which I take and introduce myself as well.

"Hey I'm Vera." I tell him with a smile. "Okay Demetri we're basically friends now right?" I ask

"Yea.. why..?"

"I need to ask you for a favour, is that okay?" But before he could answer I see Hawk slowly walk up next to Demetri giving me the glare again. I cross my arms again trying to hide a bit of my skin as I could feel the judgement from him. All that did was make him smirk and check me out, very obviously I must say.

"What's going on here?" Hawk asks pointing between Demetri and I.

"Well before you rudely interrupted me." I state, "Demetri here was about to give me his jacket because I lost my bag when I went out surfing, weren't you Demetri?"

"Uh- yea no yea definitely." Demetri spoke quickly before furiously taking off his button up and handing it to me and I put it on around me for a little more coverage.

"What's wrong? You can't handle a little cold Vera?" Hawk teases me in a serious tone.

"Do you see what I'm wearing right now and how cold it is?" I ask

"Oh I can definitely see what you're wearing, the question is why is it blue? Are you trying to match my hair Vera?"

"Hmm well let's see." I reply while walking next to Hawk and putting my arm on his shoulder before leaning my head on it. While looking into the distance I say. "I pack my bikinis, move to sunny California, move to a new apartment, visit my grandpa's dojo, meet and teach some losers karate."

"What did you just call me?" Hawk furiously questions me as I take my head off his shoulder and look at him in the eyes before using my other hand to hold a finger to his lips. This action shushed him immediately. 

"Shh let me finish." I reply. "Okay now, where was I?" I ask myself before bringing my finger off his lips and leaned my head back down on my arm that was still on Hawk's shoulder. "Right, teaching some incompetent kids karate. Okay so on a random Sunday I decide to go surfing and just put on the first bikini I see. Now a random kid with a mohawk is asking if I, purposely wore a bikini to match with his crazy hair. Seems a little desperate don't you think?" I ask before turning my head to look at Hawk from his shoulder.

"Wel-" but before Hawk could answer I interrupt him again. 

"Yes, let's make fun of the girl freezing to death in a bikini cause that's so fun." I sarcastically say while removing my arm from Hawk's shoulder to grab my surfboard and leave. "On second thought, give me the hoodie you're wearing." I demand.

"My what?" Hawk asks confusingly

"Yea your hoodie, pass it over." I simply state and before I knew it Hawk stripped his hoodie off and tossed it on the ground, leaving him in a t-shirt and shorts. "T-shirt too, like you said us girls can get so cold." I say while smiling innocently. As he takes his t-shirt off it just leaves him in shorts. Perfect I thought to myself. I bent down and picked up the clothes before walking towards the ocean. Just as I was close enough I turned back around, seeing a confused expression on Hawk's face. "Oh goodness me, whoops." I gasp while holding my hand in front of my mouth sarcastically. I drop the clothes into the water making sure they get thoroughly soaked before walking back to a very frustrated Hawk

"Vera what the hell!" He yelled at you.

I walk towards Hawk while putting my hand on his cheek and patting it a couple of times before saying.

"Aw cheer up, it's only water. Besides, can't you handle being a little cold Hawk?" I smirk.

Hawk was standing there shirtless with his mouth gaping open, while Demetri was next to him shaking his head and chuckling. I use this opportunity to grab my surfboard from the sand and make a run for it. Looking back at the two boys at the beach I yell.

"Don't worry Demetri, I'll give it back on Monday just save me a seat during lunch!" Before turning back and walking the jogging of the way to my apartment.


Jex ✰

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