Chapter 12

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Our food had been delicious and everyone seemed to have a good time. Hawk was talking with Chris and Mitch the whole time never looking to his left at Robby and I. I, on the other hand had started introducing Robby to Miguel and Demetri and I was telling them all the interesting things I learned about him.

"Best part is that his car is manual!" I exclaimed.

Demetri looked at me in confusing before stating.

"Vera all I'm hearing are numbers and letters, it sounds like math right now. I have no clue what a y=mx+b rx7 car is."

That made our little group laugh which caught the attention of Chris and Mitch who joined in on the conversation. Meanwhile Hawk was listening in but casually sipping on his Coke acting like he didn't care.

All of a sudden the conversation switched from cars to Robby and his surfing abilities.

"Yeah... so I guess a lot of people watched me surf and I'm semi good now." He awkwardly tried to say.

I scoff before interrupting.

"Please just say you're a pro, it's too late to go back." I announce. "Even better, you'll never guess what he has that I thought was so cool." 

"A dick?" Miguel jokes which leads to all the guys laughing as I sat there with a neutral expression.

"No. A scar. Seriously if you're gonna joke about us fucking we might as well do it right Robby?" I ask facing him as the whole group stopped talking again and stared at the boxer who lost.

"Yeah alright let's go." Robby follows along with my joke and grabs his stuff to prepare to leave.

"Okay I got it." Miguel replies, "No more teasing. Anyways show me this scar of yours Robby."

This got the whole groups attention as Robby leaned back in his chair and lifted his shirt up to show the snake bite.

As soon as his shirt was lifted an array of comments bombarded the table.


"That's a really scar."

"Robby did it hurt?"

"Vera if you don't date this man I will."

"Man that's such a cool scar."

Robby then started talking with the whole group and replying to all their questions.

Meanwhile Hawk was just leaning on the back of the booth with his phone in hand glaring at it. I don't know what his problem was but I chose to ignore it and live in the moment.

"Okay okay, sure Robby's cool but did he win the All Valley?" I ask as I interrupt all the guys gushing over the scar.

"You sure you don't need me Vera?" Robby asks

"Obviously not, I beat you three to two, we can tell who's the karate master here."

"You sure Vera?" Robby asks once again. "Cause it would be such a shame if this here shoelace was returned to its owner." He innocently says as he grabs my chair and pulls me towards his legs. I try and push my arms on his bicep to have some resistance but he was too strong and now he was facing me with both my legs in between his.

"Come on Robby, I drove your car remember? We're friends!" I remind him.

"Yeah I guess Vera, but you said you didn't need me remember?" Robby replies as he reaches to pull my bow undone on my shorts.

Before he reached my belt I grabbed his hands and now we're in this strange hand holding position where my left hand is holding his right but since we're facing each other it looks like someone is mirroring your actions. Yeah, that position.

"What?" Robby questions. "You gonna hold my hand the entire night?"

"Uh yeah probably if it means I can continue wearing this shoelace." I confidently state back smiling at him.

Miguel looked back and forth between Vera and Robby smirking as he knew this flirting was going to lead somewhere. Hawk however had enough of this and clearly his throat before announcing that he was leaving cause he's had a tired day today.

Since the booth only had one entryway Hawk had to ask Robby to stand up before exiting. Robby, being the gentlemen he is obviously stood up but doing so since our hands were still connected my left hand started being pulled up.

Now we're standing at the end of the table again like when we first arrived but holding hands this time.

"Chris, Mitch lets go." Hawk announces.

"Oh uh- I actually wanted to stay a little longer to talk to Vera and Robby more." Chris tells Hawk.

"Whatever, let's go Mitch." Hawk says as Mitch scrambles out the booth too, leaving just Chris in the back.

"Oh that reminds me!" Miguel cuts in. "Tomorrow beach at 10am alright Hawk?"

"Yeah, I'll see you guys there." Hawk said as he and Mitch walked towards the door.

"Hey Robby you wanna come too? We're playing beach volleyball and Demetri could use some help." Miguel adds.

"Do not! I just have a hard time hitting the ball cause the suns in my eye!" Demetri defends.

"Yeah! You should totally come Robby." I smirk as I look up at him, forgetting that our hands were still joined. "I could probably beat you at that game too."

Robby chuckles before saying "I could also show off my abs, wouldn't you love that Vera?"

"Yeah sure, whatever you say." I smile while shaking my head and pull on Robby's arm to lead him back into the booth with me sitting next to Chris now and Robby on the outside.

Once we get settled back in the table Robby leans down to my ear and not so loudly whispers.

"Don't lie, you like watching me shirtless."

I roll my eyes and slap my free hand over his mouth before facing him.

"Sure Keene, suree. You just keep telling yourself that bud."

This caught Demetri attention.

"Hey guys, what'd I miss? Is it another car joke?"

"Don't worry Demetri." I chuckle, "it was nothing."


Jex ✰

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