Chapter 9

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Hawk and the other students were waiting outside the building where the All Valley Tournament was being held.

"Where the hell is Sensei Kreese and Vera?" Mitch asks

"Maybe they've decided to ditch us cause we're so bad." Bert replies.

"No way, they're better than that." Miguel says.

"Are we sure?" Hawk adds, "I mean Kreese cares about us but Vera?"

Perfectly I walk up to the group with grandpa following behind me.

"But Vera what Hawk?" I ask innocently.

"Nevermind" he mutters

Grandpa Kreese starts giving everyone a pep talk while I stand next to him waiting for him to reveal the surprise.

"Alright everyone get your Gi's on." Grandpa states

"Wait, not those." I interrupt and reach into my duffle pulling out sleeveless black Gi's. "These are much better."

A chorus of woahs and damns erupt and everyone was eager to get one. Finally, I pulled out a custom red Gi. Originally I had a custom black one but since grandpa had ordered everyone the new black one I wanted to stand out a bit.

*insert that Debby Ryan meme*

"Damn Vera, that one looks so much better than our black ones." Miguel commented.

"Yea I know that's the point, mine's sexier too." I laugh

"Verena." grandpa warns

"Sorry, grandpa."

We all change into our Gi's and wait for Cobra Kai to be introduced by the announcer before exiting the changerooms chanting Cobra Kai with me leading the head of the snake.

"Now ladies and gentlemen that is how you make an entrance." The announcer states.

I smirk as I cross my hands out in front of me with the rest of the team lined up beside me.

"You really think we can win this Vera?" Miguel asks to my right with some anxiety.

"Of course we can win this, I'm on your team." I smirk while Hawk hears and rolls his eyes at my remark.


I was excited to finally start competing, it's been too long since I had a fight. Most of our students were eliminated and now it was just me and Hawk watching as Miguel was fighting this other student from the Dragon Tail dojo.

"Come on Miguel you got this." I whispered to myself.

Watching Miguel fight was mesmerizing, I could see some of the techniques that grandpa and I had taught him. It was like watching a younger version of me fighting, the same attack and defence skills. Sadly Miguel's defence skills weren't as sharp and the opponent landed a punch.

"And the winner is James from Dragon Tail dojo!" The announcer yells out. The crowd cheers Miguel walks back to us with his head hanging down.

"Hey it's ok, you were fighting way longer than any of the other students and that's a win in my book." I smile while trying to make Miguel not be as frustrated.

"I know, I just really thought I could beat this guy." Miguel replies. I see Hawk put a hand on Miguel's shoulder before saying.

"Don't worry man, the next person's about to face the fury of the Hawk."

I scoff and replied.

"Don't get ahead of yourself there Hawk, you don't even know who your opponent is."

And that's when the referee answered that question for us.

"Next up we have Hawk from Cobra Kai and Robby Keene from unaffiliated!"

Oh damn. I thought to myself. Hawk's skinny ass, twig figure could never beat Robby. The only chance Hawk has is to use his lean figure to dodge all of Robby's attacks and play defence. But that was never going to happen, grandpa always taught us to strike first and never defend. Well... this was going to be a fight to see.

Hawk jumps onto the stage with confidence as he approaches the guy with the tousled hair. Robby on the other hand was wearing a classic white Gi. The referee tells them both to bow and the fight starts.

Hawk was quick to throw the first punch but Robby was fast and started dodging them and attacking back.


And Robby won the first round. Great.

They were back in their fighting stance when round two started. As soon as the referee stepped back I saw Hawk quickly strike first again sweeping Robby's legs. That's when Robby fell backwards.


Hawk had won himself a point.

The score was now 1-1 as both guys faced each other to see who would get the final point. I see Hawk and Robby say something to each other before Robby turns away to walk back to his original spot when Hawk quickly approaches him and kicks him in the shoulder, knocking Robby down.

Oh, you dumbass. I thought to myself.

Hawk just got himself disqualified.


Jex ✰

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