Chapter 3

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It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I woke up. I turned to check the clock in my apartment and it only showed 2 pm. Perfect I thought to myself, I still have an hour to get ready before teaching my new students. To be honest, they suck. They have no skill and only think about punching people in the face and leave their defense down so it's easy to attack.

I get up from my bed and start putting on a windbreaker and some sweat shorts with my sports bra. Grandpa said my custom black Gi hasn't arrived yet so I have to make do with what I have. Sitting down in my living room I pull up Netflix and start watching some comedies while making breakfast, just chilling as time flies by.

Before I knew it it was 4 pm and I was making my way out the door and walking to the dojo. I approach the doors and notice a kid with a blue mohawk preparing to fight Chris. It was odd as I hadn't seen him here yesterday so I thought he was new. As I take my shoes off and join the circle I got a better look at the guy with the mohawk and realized he has a nasty lip too. I wonder if the mohawk's to distract people from the lip I thought to myself.

Lip and Chris were circling each other waiting for the other to begin the fight when Lip struck first and threw a punch. Chris got hit immediately and fell to the ground clutching his shoulder. I scoffed as I saw Lip throw such a weak punch.

"You call that a punch, lip?"

Both Lip and Chris turn to look at the girl who watched them fight from the sidelines. Lip's eyes widen with surprise but then furrows his eyebrows and walks toward me with his fists clenched.

"Yeah? Well, how about you come here and I'll show you what a real punch is about?"

The guys next to me in the circle separated and backed off, leaving me to face the guy with the mohawk.

"Uh.. Hawk that might not be such a good idea." Mitch said nervously from the other side of the circle.

Hawk or whatever they call him whipped his head towards Mitch and smirked.

"Oh, why's that? I might accidentally kick this girls ass?"

Before I could respond, grandpa Kreese walked out of his office and saw me and nodded before saying.

"Gentlemen, and ladies, I see you've already begun warming up. Let's give these two some space and see if one of my best students might win against Verena."

Hawk's smirk grew more confident as he heard my grandpa call him one of his best students. I, however, knew he could never be as good as me with my many years of training.

"Get ready to face the fury of the Hawk." He announced.

"Actually" I pipe up causing Hawk to face me again. "You can keep dreaming because no one beats me." I declare as I walk closer to Hawk

"You?" Hawk laughs as he gives me a once over. "Are you new or something since you obviously don't know the rules around here?" He questions.

"Oh god, here we go again." I mutter while taking off my windbreaker leaving me in a bra and sweat shorts. An uncomfortable amount of coughs and grunts arise as I look through the circle for Miguel. Once I make eye contact with him I walk towards him with a windbreaker in hand for him to hold. "Ready for round two?" I ask him.

"He has no idea what's about to happen." Miguel snickers. Meanwhile, Hawk is just impatiently staring at me and my interaction with Miguel.

"Are we fighting or gossiping here?" Hawk asks.

I roll my eyes and stand across from him in the newly made circle the other students have made. Grandpa is still standing on the sidelines watching with interest before announcing

"Whenever you guys are ready."

Just as Hawk's head was turned and still focused on grandpa, I quickly run up and back sweeps his legs to the ground while quickly straddling him and to prevent him from attacking.

Hawk was so surprised that he was silent for once. I leaned into his face examining his features and smirk. I brought a hand to his face and used my thumb to trace over his lip.

"Cute lip." I laughed and began to climb off Hawk. Hawk was still frozen in surprise on the mat as I walked up to my grandpa. "If that's your best student you need more help than I thought." I reply and make my way to the front as Miguel hands my windbreaker back. "Alright class now let's start today's lesson shall we?"


Right now they were in partners practicing my iconic leg sweep. I walked around giving each pairing tips on their posture and technique. Grandpa really gave me a lot of freedom with this class, I guess it's cause he knows they can't get worse than before with my help.

I walked up to Miguel as I watched him practice it on Hawk.

"Good but you need to keep your leg straighter and make sure not to hesitate when you're doing it or you won't get the full effect." I mention as I observed Miguel trying it again. "Here, let me show you what I mean." I say as I instantly crouch down and sweep my leg causing Hawk to fall down face first again.

"Give a man a warning before you do that will you?" Hawk utters from the floor.

"Hey what happened to being one of the best in class?" I innocently ask while holding a hand out to help him back up.

"Well you see" Hawk starts as he puts an arm around you and Miguel. "That was until I learned Kreese had a granddaughter who he trained daily to become the perfect student."

"Alright there Hawk" I laugh as I peel his arm off me. "Let's see you do it now shall we?" I ask. Hawk does it decently well the first few times but got too confident and ended up falling on his ass the fourth time trying. I laugh and bend down to his eye level before whispering with a twinkle in my eye, "You know.. It might be because your hairs so tall up that its affecting your balance." Hawk scoffs and gets up ignoring your comment. You glace at Miguel beside you before asking "what's up his ass today?"

"I've got no clue Vera, maybe he's just mad he isn't sensei's favourite anymore." Miguel jokes

"Alright class that's enough! You may all go home see you on Monday, we've got to train better for the tournament!" Grandpa calls out as he exits his office. Students start packing up and leaving before Mitch and Chris appear next to you.

"Hey uh Vera so we were wondering if you'd come to a party this Sunday at the beach?" Chris innocently asks. Before you could respond Miguel comes in between the two guys putting an arm around each one.

"Fellas do you remember what I told Mitch yesterday?" Miguel paused for effect, "She. Is. Not interested in you alright? Now leave her alone before she quits and joins Miyagi Do."

Sighing both boys have their heads down and trudge out the door, leaving me, Miguel and Hawk as the only ones left. Hawk walks up to Miguel putting his arm around Miguel's shoulder before asking

"Dude you coming over to my house tonight?"

"Yea yea just saying bye to Vera man." Miguel replies as Hawk stares at you with disinterest. "You could come if you want Vera, I could show you around." Miguel tells me.

"It's fine I've got stuff to do anyways but thanks." I say and leave before the atmosphere is awkward with Hawk's intense glare.


Jex ✰

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