Chapter 4

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Ugh, I love the weekends, getting to sleep in and do nothing is my dream. I basically spent all of Saturday in bed watching Netflix and eating junk food, especially cheetos, let me just say those are so good how can you not like them? By the time I checked my phone it was already 5pm on a Sunday and Monday was just around the corner. So I decided to do the most reasonable thing a girl living in California could do.

I went surfing.

I began to put on a blue triangle bikini and pack my extra clothes and surfing gear. Leaving my phone and essentials at home, I grab my surfboard and walk to the beach, which thankfully was only a few minutes away. By the time I arrived at the beach the sun was just about to set giving off the most beautiful sunset as I hopped into the water.

The water was warm and crystal clear while the waves were so smooth today, it was the perfect way to end the week. Once I surfed my last wave, I realized it had gotten pretty dark and there was some sort of party at the beach.

I paddle myself to shore a few feet from where the party was happening and quickly tried to get out of the water. Squeezing the excess water out of my hair I tried to run my finger through some knots. Ugh, I can't wait to shower once I get home, I thought to myself. With my board in hand, I walk towards the tree where I left my clothes and-

Oh god, I thought to myself.

Did I leave it near another tree?

No, no it was definitely this one.

Holy crap it's cold.

Maybe the wind blew it away?

No, it can't be, it was a heavy bag with my clothes and shoes.

We should ask the coast guard.

He probably went home since it's pretty late.


Sure enough, my bag was gone, or the people at the party just kicked it somewhere else because it was not where I left it originally.

"Just great." I whisper to myself, "now I'll have to walk around in the cold and see if anyone at this party has seen my bag of clothes".

Trying to use my board to cover a bit more skin I walk towards the centre of the party. I got so many judgy stares from girls and you don't want to know the stares I got from the guys. So sorry guys it's not like I was at the beach surfing you know? I roll my eyes at the thought.

"Oh hey Vera! I thought you weren't going to come to the party?" I look from the corner of my eye and to my left was Chris holding a can of beer.

"Oh uh- yeah I was actually surfing here a few hours ago did the party just start?" I question while planting my surfboard down in the sand.

"Yeah it started 30 minutes ago, if you want I could get you a beer and we could sit and talk?" Chris asked hopefully

"Actually, I was about to go home and shower, I'm not really wearing the best outfit for this party." I chuckle while gesturing to my bikini.

Chris adverts my eyes and tries looking somewhere else, while I see Mitch run up to Chris and me.

"Hey Vera you made it! Woah I did not except you to actually dress up and wear a bikini to this party." Mitch hollered at us, obviously a little drunk.

I laugh before wrapping my arms around myself trying to preserve some heat while leaning against my surfboard, before an idea came to my mind.

"Hey are all of the Cobra Kai students here?"

"Yeah we're hosting this party." Mitch and Chris told me.

"Perfect could you guys go find Miguel for me?" I ask hoping that Miguel was wearing a hoodie so I could borrow it.

Before both Mitch and Chris could answer some kid overheard and interrupted.

"Damn some hot babe's asking for Rhea?" He asked not believing what was happening while checking me out and wrapping an arm around me pulling me close. "You know" he whispered in my ear while pausing for effect. I could already smell the alcohol in his breath, "I'm Kyler and I'm single too." He smirked. 

I rolled my eyes before responding, "That's nice but as you can see," now it was my turn to pause for dramatic effect. I removed his arm around me and used it to flip him over. I leaned over his body in the sand and stared at him groaning in pain before replying. "I'm not interested, thanks." I look back up at Chris and Mitch staring with their jaws slightly ajar. "So boys, can you find Miguel for me or not?" I ask while crossing my arms around me again.

They both close their mouths and nod before heading off in different directions. I hear a groan again from the ground and peer down before realizing Kyler was still on the ground.

"Kyler you can leave now." I politely say as I watch him struggle to pick himself up and stumble back to his group.


Whispers were travelling fast through the party and before Hawk knew it he had heard there was a smoking hot chick just walking down the beach in a bikini with a surfboard. Obviously, he had to check it out. But as he stood up from his spot on the log he saw a glimpse of her, with her arms crossed and staring at the ocean. Hawk immediately sat back down. No, he thought to himself. Why is this girl everywhere he was? Hawk quickly went to go get another drink and before he knew it, Hawk found himself making out with Moon on a log.

"I just don't get it." Demetri says in disbelief as he sits on the other side of Hawk. This action however, interrupts Moon and his make out session causing Moon to leave and get another drink. Hawk rolls his eyes before replying to Demetri

"What do you want, man? Can't you see I'm a little busy." Hawk tries to hint at Demetri while using his eyes to signal over to Moon.

"How do you do it? Just getting girls all of a sudden?" Asks the tall lanky boy.

"You just gotta feel the energy and live in the moment." Replied Hawk before leaving Demetri to go find Moon again.

Demetri took those words to heart before spotting a stunning girl leaning next to her surfboard.

"Live in the moment." Demetri whispered to himself before standing up and walking toward the gorgeous girl who was the topic most guys were talking about.


Jex ✰

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