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Recap:roshni and shayri leaves to company...

At company,

Roshni's manager (tina) comes..

Tina:mam..we got a's a birthday bash..

Roshni and shayari gets happy..

Shayari:wow roshni..I think if we do this one we

Can get more fame..

Roshni:ohk.. everyone be ready..we need to do this



Aman and Rehan comes home..Parveen recieves them.. get ready..btw where is event

Hosting people..

Aman:ammi..they would be coming..once I will go to

Mosque for dua..

Parveen smiles and nods..Aman leaves..


Roshni:you guys go to adress and do the work perfectly..

I will go to mosque and do prayer for allah as he

Gave work to us..

Roshni leaves..


Aman and roshni reaches mosque..Aman and

Roshni are coming in different different directions..

Kaala jinn comes there and was heading Aman to

Make his shadow fall on aman.. suddenly roshni

And aman collides with each other..roshni falls

On aman..they both rolls..they ends up Aman on top

Of roshni..due to roshni's touch kaala jinn gets shock

And backs off..they both gets up..

Roshni:oh mr..if you see a will do like this


Aman:oh didn't see me and collided with


Roshni:allah knows are so talkative and

Putting blame on me..uff.. you are a cheater..

Aman gets shocked..he tends to speak..roshni leaves

With attitude..Aman looks on..

They both enters mosque and offer their prayer

To Allah.. suddenly kaala jinn forms a storm..

Everyone runs here and there..Aman and roshni

Tends to help people.. suddenly something happens

And storm stops..roshni and aman gets relieved..

They leaves from there..


Aman reaches house..and goes to his room for getting


That lady and boy smirks..

Boy:now only we should implement our plan...

Lady smirks..they become invisible... suddenly roshni

Comes there..she doesn't see them..she passes from

There..the lady and boy gets jerk..they see roshni and

Gets scared...

Lady:she came..we can't imply any plan..

Boy:no we should plan..

Suddenly that lady changes her get up and transforms

To a girl..boy and lady smirks..

Pari statue:uff...ayaana came near Aman but we should

See whether they both fall in love or not..will ayaana

Be able to save aman..?I want to say..but first I need to

Get free..

Roshni assigns her team their work..Parveen sees her..


Roshni:iam from event managing company..

Parveen smiles..

Parveen:ohk beta..

She leaves..roshni looks at her ring..a lone tear

Escapes from her eyes..

Aman comes down..roshni gets call so she leaves..

Aman and roshni doesn't see each other...Aman cuts

The cake and feeds to Parveen and others..Aman

Checks the decorations..

Aman:khanna..give them the offer..iam impressed

With their work..

Khanna:ohk sir..

The lady as a beautiful girl comes towards him..

(The boy was invisible and watching them)

Girl:hey handsome..

She comes close to Aman..Aman feels uncomfortable..

Aman:execuse me..

She tries to flirt with him..but Aman leaves from

There.. he sees roshni talking in a call..her back was

Facing him.. suddenly lights turns off..kaala jinn comes

There..Aman and roshni again collides with each other

And falls down..roshni was top on him.. suddenly

They gets up..she leaves hurriedly..Aman sees her

Earing stuck to his shirt..he takes it and sees it...

Precap:Aman to use his powers..

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