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"actually, that's even great, as it would be a nice design for the event. please let the designers know as i personally think about that this would help." tae said feeling tired as he leaned himself in his chair but he can't say it loud as he was the ceo to a fashion clothing, event designer and modelling.

taehyung was in his office room at his house. he decided to let the door slightly ajar incase his husband wanted to see him. he was currently on a video call with some of his employee.

his been actually busy recently due to his business taking control a party that the president himself asked for his help about the design. he was actually stressing himself about this event because it wasn't just ordinary as he says.

while on the other hand, jeongguk was just watching tv in boredness as he sprawled out himself in the couch waiting for his husband to come down. but this past days, taehyung was being so busy that he can't even glance his husband for a few seconds and jeongguk being understandinf he is always says it's okay to cheer himself. but when taehyung had time, he never failed to make jeongguk the most happy wife he could and taehyung being the best husband would always spoil his baby.

jeongguk love the older deeply, but he missed him a lot. tae already explain to him that whenever he got bored his office door is always open for him to enter. even without asking permision from him though he was in a call or what he was doing, but jeongguk never did. as he don't want to distract or disturb his hubby doing his job.

this day wasn't different but it only made jeongguk worse as he was now feeling jealous. in whole week never even exchange morning kisses as they regularly do because when taehyung wokes up he hurriedly go to his office as he was done doing his morning routine and then eat his breakfast.

not even minding to look at his wife or talk things as it was a hubby to them but in the past week it never happened again. jeongguk huffed in frustration. he was thinking that his husband's employees are lucky that they have all the attention of taehyung supposedly it should be him.

jeongguk can't bear the feeling anymore so he jumped up from the couch and hurriedly run upstairs. he made his way down the long corridor until he was now facing the already slightly ajar door and crept in. tae looked up in his computer as he saw in his vision that someone was standing in the door way.

jeongguk smiled at him as he saw that the older already see him and waved a little cutely. taehyung ushered him to come over to him. jeongguk did what the older motioned him to do as he waddled himself to him. taehyung held his one hand and sat him to his own lap comfortably.

then, jeongguk slowly move his hands towards the older's neck as his head was now on the crook of the older's neck and taehyung protectively wrapped his both hands to the petite waist of his wife as he held him closely.

"aww my baby is bored, aren't he? it's actually your first time to come here. i'm sorry baby, i'm just so busy." taehyung said as his thumb slowly draw circles on the younger's back.

"it's okay hubby, i understand. i love you." jeongguk mumbled in the olders neck not wanting to let go of him.

"i love you too baby." taehyung responds as he kissed the younger's head lovingly.

"uhm... mr. kim, are you still listening and who was that with you?" she uttered visibly annoyed in her voice by the fact that his boss slash crush was in someone's embrace.

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