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✿ request by: Kkaepjjang_bts

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"fuck it! this is one of the reasons why i don't like y'all be in my team." taehyung shouted angrily in his earphones as his fingers pushed the keyboard harshly.

he was annoyed-- more like pissed off that he was the only one that help the team while his other mates were feeding themselves in their opponent that made taehyung huffed in frustration. it was the finals and he wanted to win his 5th award being the captain of the game.

"d-dwaddy...? koo w-wants miwlk." little jeongguk said showing his doe eyes and pouty lips to the older as he hold the hem of his shirt.

"koo, daddy is busy. later, okay?" taehyung said in a calm tone not wanting his baby to cry and continue to focus on the game.

"bwut, koo wants miwlk wight now, daddy!" jeongguk bluntly yelled and whine but still in a cute manner.

"koo your being bratty right now, i said i'm busy. i have to finished this first. so settle yourself in the bed and after this i'll give you your banana milk. okay?" taehyung hold his nerves not to yelled at the little even his already in the edge, just one more time and he'll boost out of his shell.


"koo if your not doing what i say, i'll definitely punish you after this. now go!" taehyung had enough so he loudly yelled at his boyfriend.

he was already frustrated in the game and now to his whinning boyfriend. he was on his limits already but he still don't want to hurt his boyfriend as he is in his little space.

after a little more of time, taehyung's team won the game and expectedly, he got his 5th award for being the winner's captain of the game. he stretched his arms in the hair for almost not moving his muscles for hours now with a loud yawn escaped his mouth.

as he slowly removed the earphone in his head, he heard a little sniffles around the room and a mumble of uncomprehend words. tae look on his back and saw his little koo kneel down himself and his head was hidden in the duvet.

taehyung felt disappointed to himself for doing such thing to his adorable and clingy litte boyfriend. he stood up on his sit and grab the banana milk that the little boy requested for almost hours of him whinning for it.

"koo..? baby, here's your banana milk." taehyung softly said while he slowly sat on the bed and hold the duvet to reveal a puffy eyes and a pouting lips of the younger.

"d-dwaddy won't yell at k-koo?" jeongguk stuttered sniff as he said those words and then sat in a proper way, facing the older with his doe puffy eyes and pout shaped lips.

taehyung nodded and kissed away the pouting lips of the younger to make him better and out of his little space. that is how jeongguk came out and begun to pushed himself out of the older's embrace.

jeongguk huffed and crossed his hands on his chest. giving an angry pout visibly at his boyfriend. it wasn't the first time tae yelled at him but not that always just in times his in limits and everytime he did, little jeongguk is so sad that made jeongguk angry at the older.

"kook baby. taetae is sorry, here. i already grab your favorite banana milk. i was just stress in game, i didn't intentionally wanting to yell at little koo." taehyung said in a soft and loving tone to convince his now back-to-normal boyfriend.

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