ғᴀᴄɪɴɢ ᴄᴏɴsᴇǫᴜᴇɴᴄᴇs | ɪɪ

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♛ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ...

it was the time that jeongguk had to left the school for days because of the competition he had to attend as he was the chosen one to attend.

he was doubting whether he'll go or not. you may ask why? because of taehyung- his professor slash boyfriend. he was worried that what if when he go he can't look for what does taehyung do and when he came back he don't have boyfriend anymore because taehyung was into bogum by the time he was gone.

jeongguk cried last night until he got tired and sleep unpeacefully on his bed and when he woke up in the morning he got head ache and a puffy eyes with a swollen lips visible on his face.

he dared to say goodbye to taehyung but to his dismay he was with bogum again. jeongguk wanted to drag taehyung away from bogum but he can't act unappropriate to his professors. so he just solo the pain inside of him. wanting himself to explode from jealous and craving for the older.

nonetheless jeongguk left without saying anything to taehyung nor bidding goodbye to his friends in school. it was painful for him and he could feel that his heart beat hitched after the car drove away towards the other school from other city. a little far from his house and to his boyfriend.

jeongguk sigh in pain as he tightly hold his chest. tears asking permission to let them fell down on his cheek but before it does, he wiped them away as he focus himself about the competition. praying that when he's back everything about them will be as good as it supposed to be.

on the other side, taehyung was running towards the parking lot of the campus. he breath in and out unwantedly as his knees was soon to droped off any minute by now. wanting to arrived before jeongguk left finally to bid him goodbye but to his dismay when he arrived the car went off the way.

taehyung sigh in pain loudly while caressing his temple. he promise to jeongguk that he'll going to take him off and they'll have a get together before he left but it didn't happened when bogum asked him not to do.

"hey, it's fine. he'll move on to that though." bogum nonchalantly said. hands crossed on his chest while looking at where the car went by.

"you don't fucking understand. if hero hyung treats you just like that, me and jeongguk aren't the same. if we promise, we would do that even where busy or not." taehyung said in somewhat angry tone but still in a relaxed way. walking away to bogum towards inside the campus.

bogum huffed in annoyance. he thinks that taehyung is just over reacting things that isn't should be focus with. taehyung is right about bogum haven't felt what taehyung showed jeongguk all the most of time that's why he choose to blackmail him ang agreed to be his acting to be his fake boyfriend because in truth, he was so jealous of them.

"i'll wait until jeongguk gets back and do my plan on revealing you both in your own mistake. let's see whose the perfect couple." bogum smirk.

weeks passed by. taehyung and bogum become more into their fake love -more like bogum- because taehyung wasn't paying much attention to him since that day but bogum tried to tail in him. everywhere taehyung goes, he goes. the students were actually confused about their professor bogum. he was obviously obsessed and desperate for peofessor taehyung.

rumors goes here and there. then another went on the topic or added but bogum doesn't give a shit at all. he just want to make hero jealous and to top of that, he wanted to broke taehyung had once which is a relationship he didn't have since.

"sir? what should we do today?" one of his student asked in confusion as their professor is spacing out.

"professor kim?!" the other yelled a little bit that made taehyung flinch and out of his thoughts.

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