ᴘᴇᴛ sɪᴛᴛᴇʀ

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««« ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ×ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ | ᴄᴀʀᴇɢɪᴠᴇʀ | ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ | ᴀʙᴜsɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀ | sᴍᴜᴛ | ғʟᴜғғ »»»


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taehyung was walking when a vibration of his phone stop him and got a call from his boss in the shop and smiled knowing why.

"yes?...yes. i confirmed the address by email... the owner's gone until tomorrow... i'll go directly now then." taehyung responds to the other side who called him. another customer wanted him to watch his bunny pet as he wasn't gonna be home for days.

"i'm going to baby-sit a bunny today! can't wait!" taehyung said excitedly as he turned off his phone and shove it back to his pocket and walked towards the place where the address supposed to be.

"i'm pretty sure it was around here..." taehyung mumble when he felt somewhat lost on the track where the place actually was but when he saw a sign that set the address and the name given by the customer. he looked up to see anaverage and tall building. so, this is the place huh? as he thought.

he check his phone again to looked the detials again to make sure he was in the right place. though he was really hesitant to do so.

as taehyung walked towards the building he didn't know that someone was actually looking at him with smirk plastered in his face in the car that was parked a little far from the building. it was tinted with dark windows so no one can see him inside.

with the sound of ding, taehyung walked out the elevator as he reached the floor of the room number he asked from the receiptionist lately down the hallway of the building.

he looked every corner to see the numbers while he thought that he was almost there and with another minute of walking he was now infront of the room number 1313.

"this is the number... said the key were under the flower pot." taehyung mumbled to himself and hold the pot and saw the key under.

he then slowly put the key in the hole of the door knob and open it as he looked to his phone again for the information about the bunny.

"the bunny's name is jeongguk or kookie. so it's a boy. the owners says it gets very lonely." taehyung slowly walked towards a room. he thought it was the living room that his customer said were the bunny is placed.

"jeonggukie?...jeonggukie? where are you...?" taehyung called the bunny's name as it was what the information said. he looked every corner of the living room but he can't find the bunny.

"eh? not here?" taehyung heard a little sound of thud around the room as he was finding the bunny.

he gasped when he heard it again. taehyung looked the right side as he saw a big cabinet were the sound came from.

'in the closet? don't tell me... he's keeping his bunny here!?' taehyung said in his thoughts as he walked towards the closed cabinet. he was actually doubting if his gonna open it or not but he decided to.

he hold the cabinet's hand holder and he slowly open it. he was shocked by what he just saw.

"eh!?" taehyung screamed a little that made the hybrid flinch by the sudden outcry of the older.

the boy was all naked and tied with a rope in his legs, a belt in his below ankles, his hands in a handcafts and his mouth was covered with a mouth cover. he was actually have lots of bruises in his body like he got tortured.

but overall he was beautiful, the boy is ethereal for a normal boy to taehyung. he got feminine body, a perfect shaped curve in his waist down to his ass. he got somewhat sexy and hot at the same time. but he got tails and bunny ears placed in his body.

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