ʜᴇᴀʀᴛʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴀɴɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴀʀʏ

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«««« ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀ | ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ᴏғ sᴜɪᴄɪᴅᴇ | ʜᴇᴀʀᴛʙʀᴇᴀᴋ | ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ »»»


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taehyung was miserable is understatement. he was working as a call center agent having sleepless nights and gone home in a big spacious house. it was so lonely and suffocating for him after jeongguk left.

it was actually his fault though. not even minding to spend time with his lovingly, caring and kind boyfriend. we all have limits, so maybe he was in his. taehyung didn't mind at the start, feeling that jeongguk is fine but it wasn't and he got tired of taehyung not even saying good morning or even giving a kiss before he left to work.

taehyung didn't consider jeongguk's feelings as he is unruffled of his love but jeongguk was just being shy and afraid to express that he misses the older and wanted some of his time, affection and love. he tried to be as good boyfriend as he is but the only return he attain was just a cold treatment, unconcerned feeling and just mere of attention.

jeongguk had enough of all that taehyung caused so he left without saying a word after taehyung gone work. and to taehyung, he was actually planning to surprise the younger that time and explain that he got a month of vacation after he promoted of his job being the topest call center of their company. but to his dismay, when he gone back home, the house was lonely. no jeongguk can be found at all.

it was a nightmare for taehyung, he tried to find him to his family, friends and his neighbors but none of them knows where was the younger. it made taehyung worried a lot. that time, he felt how lonely it was to be alone in the house. he now knows how jeongguk felt when his late to come back home and then a sight of jeongguk sleeping in the couch waiting for his arrival. it was like the karma hit him that bad.

he was so disappointed to himself that his thoughts was clouded with negativity. like the time when he was using his razor, he felt that it was calling him to draw something in his own skin and flooded it with his own blood ran through it. he never came back to work after jeongguk left, he even barely eat or drink. he was lifeless to be exact.

he attempt suicide but the only thing that witholden him is jeongguk. thinking that anytime soon he would come back home and he wasn't there anymore, it crushed taehyung. he cried every night and sometimes he was just looking gawk. not even minding to move himself or tried to eat.

but when taehyung's parents know about convicting himself. they hurriedly came to him. rescuing and help their own son to be his self again. as they convinced him that incase jeongguk came back and he would look and act like that, it wouldn't help the situation. so taehyung listened to them as it was what he think is right.

after that, taehyung continued his life still looking for his beautiful boyfriend. he also quit being a call center agent and begun his dream to be an artist. he now owned a famous gallery in town that lots of customers where looking for.

"tae? why won't you go and have fun?" his mom asked in concern because taehyung was now starting to focus on his work again not even minding his own happines.

"i'm fine mom, this only distract me from the pain i've been carry for a year now. this day was actually the day jeongguk left me. it was like my heartbreak anniversary." tae softly chuckled at himself with tears stream down to his cheeks.

"oh sweety." his mom said and hugged taehyung tightly as comfort.

"h-hyungie..." someone says with not-so-loud sniffles and whines from the back of taehyung.

his mom smiled at it after she found the love that taehyung been craving for a year now. she let go of taehyung so his son would see who it was and left them alone with a warming heart within her.

taehyung slowly look on his back and then gasped not knowing what to do. he held his hands to his mouth to cover up his own cries as his tears were now flowing violently.

"h-hyungie... jeonggukie is sowwy f-for weaving y-you. k-kookie misses y-you so s-so mu-ch." jeongguk torturingly cried out loud not minding the people around the gallery looking at them with concern as they were both crying.

"j-jeonggukie a-always l-loves hyungie... k-kookie j-just wanted to h-have time to r-recover. i didn't left a note b-because i-i promise to come b-back home, to you." he added in a mumble and stuttering tone as he hide himself with his hands to the older.

the only jeongguk received from the older when he finished his words was a warm and lovingly tight hug from him. it was all that both were longing for a lifetime, just embracing each other's warmth.

taehyung slowly pushed the younger make them face each other and look in their eyes with love, affection and concern.

"don't apologise because it's my fault. i'm sorry bub that you have to experienced that, i'm being so workaholic not even minding what you were feeling. i love you baby and it never change this past year." taehyung said as he caress the younger cheek with tears on it.

"nuu! jeongguk knows that taetae loves me so much but he was weak and left you alone. i'm sorry hyungie, kookie is so so sorry." jeonggum cried. he felt weak and heartbroken when taehyung's mom told him everything that taehyung been when he left.

"it's okay now, you are here with me and that's enough for me to felt relief."

taehyung slowly leaned himself and captured the younger's own lips in a sweet and slow passionate kiss. they move in slow but in sync. it was all they needed to washed the sadness and heartbroken that their both hearts were almost exploding from the pain.

both taehyung and jeongguk cried in the kiss as they were overwhelmed by the fact that after a year they were now back to each other's embrace.

"remember when you left? it was actually a great day as i received a month vacation from my boss that time... i wanted to surprise you but it switched." taehyung chuckled while caressing the soft fluff hair of the younger.

they were both naked now after their loving and longing session. it was just a soft make love as they both wanted to devour each other in a sweet and calm intercourse. they weren't in a hurry so it was perfect for the both.

"oh! i shouldn't have left. i'm sorry hyung, i should've wait till you come back. ugh! i'm such a weak." jeongguk pouted big and huffed to himself. thinking that if he didn't left maybe they won't feel the longing part.

"your still the cutest and adorable you know that hmm? i love you beautiful." taehyung chuckled at his boyfriend's cuteness. he was still feeling this was dream so he hold the younger tightly to his embrace were jeongguk's head was on taehyung's chest.

"i love you too hyungie.." jeongguk giggled cutely as his lidded eyes were almost close for tiredness.

"sleep now baby, i'll be in your side when you woke up." taehyung cheered the younger so he could sleep in a tidely manner.

jeongguk nodded and move himself to find a comfortable place in the older's embrace. slowly, both drift in their dreamland slumber.

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❦ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ ➛

a/n: sorry for this kind of oneshot, i just wanted to express what i really felt in some toxic and sad relationship of my friends. some of mentioned above were experienced by them as being in love by getting too much or less in return.

don't let your partner be the reason of you being toxic to your friends. you never know, your friends were already in distress.

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