sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ

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taehyung knows everything that jeongguk was doing but he just keep on denying that it wasn't him or it was someone else because everytime jeongguk came home his all active and giving his all attention to him.

they made dinner together. laugh everytime they talk. cry but together in solving their problem. have shopping. make love. what else couple do? they did all those, hand in hand.

taehyung can't deny the fact that maybe jeongguk is tired of him. his too possessive, clingy and jealous everytime jeongguk would do something that against his will. but jeongguk just shrugged it off as if the older isn't a threat to him.

taehyung had enough of jeongguk playing and fooling him around especially cheating in his back with the name yoongi, wasn't go unnotice to him.

yes, he knows everything about jeongguk. he wasn't stalking him or what but he is just a good friend that everyone would tell him about jeongguk's where abouts in his back but he just let him do whatever satisfy him.

but today isn't gonna go as what jeongguk's way because taehyung had a plan to get a sweet revenge to his beloved jeongguk. he loves the younger but he wanted to feed him on his own doings.

taehyung knows how jeongguk hate when he would hang out or talk with the person that named, bugom. tae knows about his insecurities so he'll gonna use it so jeongguk would know how he felt but as like as jeongguk would do, he'll act like he did nothing.

"hyung, i'll be out now. bye!" jeongguk yelled as he run through the door. leaving without listening to the older.

taehyung huffed in the couch, feeling frustrated. jeongguk were always spending time out of the house not even minding taehyung and then, a great planned poped up to his head. he fitch his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number that his aching to do the planned he've been thinking.


in the call:


"hi taetae!"

"uhm.. bugom hyung? i missed you so much.
wanna hang out today?"

"yeah sure taetae, i'm actually
free today so.."

"yes, will met at **** hyung."

"okay! i'll be there in 10. bye!"

end call.


taehyung hurriedly run to his room and find something fancy to wear. he wanted to impress bugom and especially jeongguk knowing that where the younger would be and he'll definitely go there to tease him.

actually the thing is, taehyung knows that bugom isn't a bottom at all and they were actually just friends but jeongguk would always argued with him about it.

after taehyung finished wearing and doing all the things to make him fabulous. he fitch his house and car keys, readying himself to went.

minutes of driving towards the place, he park his car in the parking area, slowly pull himself out and walk towards the restaurant were him and bugom agreed to met. especially, were jeongguk went with his other lover -as what taehyung though- and what one of his friend said.

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