Gossiping With The Girls*

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As soon as you got back to your apartment, Liv and Nica were asking questions.

"So, where did the two of you disappear to?"

You chuckled and blushed. "Uhh, an office in the back."

"Girl! Did you get some?"

You laughed loudly at that, before answering. "Maybe..."

"Good for you!"

"How was it? He was hot as fuck."

"Right?! It was so fucking good. He's huge. Sweet lord, I've never been with someone so big."

All three of you giggled at that. You weren't shy when talking about sex with them. They were two of your best friends, and definitely knew more about your sex life than anyone else. Just as you knew about theirs.

At the same time that you were gossiping with your girls, Sebastian was fielding questions from his friend, Will, who'd been at the club with him. He didn't quite know what to say to him. It wasn't the first time he'd slept with someone after having only just met them, but it was the first time that he'd used his real name or given the girl his actual number after. There was something about you that he couldn't resist. So, he just told him that you'd hooked up, and left it at that.

Your phone chimed with a text alert at about 3am. You weren't asleep yet, so you checked it right away.

Hey gorgeous.

Hey Seb.

What are you up to?

Sitting on my kitchen counter, eating grilled cheese and listening to 90's rap. You?

Attempting to keep my very drunk friend from texting his ex.

Fun 😬

Not the word I'd use. He's impossible.

Better you than me. My friends are passed out in my bed.

But you're not.

Nope. Grilled cheese is a must after drinking.

What's a must after sneaky club sex?

A shot of whiskey and a cigarette. Obviously.

Fresh out of cigarettes. Plenty of whiskey, though.

Well then, bottoms up.

Bottoms up

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Bottoms up.

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