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You woke up to kisses being trailed down the back of your neck. You could feel Sebastian's hand slowly sliding up your side as his hard on pressed against your ass.

"Good morning, gorgeous," he whispered.

"Good morning, Sebastian." Your voice was low and raspy, thick with desire.

He kissed your neck again as he gently massaged your breast. You rolled your hips back into him, and you felt his smile against your skin.


You reached toward the nightstand and pulled one from the drawer. You handed it to him and moved your hand to massage your own breast as he put it on. When it was in place, he looked at you and moaned.

"Fuck, sweetheart, I love when you touch yourself for me."

"Sebastian..." You whispered.

"I've got you, baby. I'll make you feel so good."

He slid his hand down to your thigh, and lifted your leg so it could rest on his hip. This opened you up to allow him to push his hard cock into your wet pussy. He groaned when he was buried to the hilt.

"Oh shit, sweetheart. You are so fucking wet. You need me this bad?"

"Yes. Oh yes. I need you, Seb. Please." You whimpered as you begged to feel him.

He held your hip as he pulled out, then thrust back in slowly. It didn't take long for him to build a quick rhythm, every thrust making you moan and whimper.

He pressed kisses on your neck as his hand slid from your hip to your chest. He pinched and pulled at your nipple. You lifted and bent your arm, resting it on his head with your fingers laced in his hair, as he lavished your neck with kisses.

It didn't take long for your first orgasm to build. You were always sensitive in the morning.

"Seb, I'm so close."

"Cum for me, sweetheart. It'll feel so good, baby."

You cried out his name as you tightened around him. His hand slid down your stomach to between your thighs. He gently stroked your clit with his middle finger, as his first and ring fingers held your pussy lips apart.

"Oh fuck. I'm still cumming. It feels so fucking good."

"That's it, baby. Good girl."

You whimpered as he praised you. He didn't know it yet, but you had a major praise kink.

"You like when I call you a good girl?"

"Fuck. I love it. I love being a good girl."

You felt his smile against your neck, before he pressed a kiss under your ear.

"Good to know, baby."

He continued to rub his finger over your clit as his thrusts brought you closer to the edge.

"Oh fuck. I'm so close again. You make me feel so good, Sebastian."

"Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for me?"

"Yes..." you moaned out as your pussy clenched around his hard cock. His thrusts didn't slow as he carried you through your orgasm. He was close, but he held back so he could keep making you feel good. He couldn't get enough of making you cum.

"It feels so good when you cum on my cock, baby. You are so fucking tight."

He rubbed faster circles on your clit, prolonging your orgasm. You'd only just come down from it when you felt another growing deep in your belly.

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