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Good morning, gorgeous.

Good morning, handsome.

How'd you sleep, my love?

Pretty good. Passed out just after we hung up. You?

Alright. I miss holding my wife.

I miss that too. I just miss you. Only 6 more days until I'm back in your arms.

I can't wait.

I know you are going to see/hear about it soon. So, I wanted to make sure you heard it from me. There is an article about you and Zac. I know it's complete bullshit. I have zero doubts about my wife's fidelity. So, please don't stress.

Fuck. I'm sorry, Seb. I knew this would happen.

We did. And I'm not worried. I talked to my publicist yesterday, and told her to expect some shit about it. I made sure she understood that there was nothing going on between you two, just as there is nothing between me and Lily. Only me and you. Just us, baby.

Just us. I just hate that you can't even do your job, and I can't even hang out with my best friend, without drama. I know the tabloids are trash, and they don't matter. I just want everyone to treat you how you should be treated, which is like the amazing man that you are.

I'm only amazing because I have a wonderful woman who makes me that way.

That's not true. You are amazing because that's the kind of man you are.

Thank you for not being upset about all this drama. And for letting me hang out with Zac, even when we knew it would cause more drama.

Baby, I didn't let you do anything. You are a grown woman, capable of making your own choices. All I did was continue to have complete faith in my wife and her friend, because you've given me no reason not to.

My love, I know you don't want anyone else. I trust you. You've shown me time and time again that I'm the man you love and desire. Just me.

Just you. Forever.

I just wish we were together so you could hug me. I just need to be held by you.

I know, baby. I'm not going to let you out of my arms for the 36+ hours I don't have work next weekend. I'm going to keep your body as close to mine as possible.

I love you, Sebastian.

I love you too, my beautiful girl.

You rolled out of bed, a bit of a headache making your head pound, courtesy of the tequila. After a quick shower, you headed out to the kitchen for breakfast. You were at the island, drinking your coffee when there was a knock on your door.

The only people who ever knocked were the doormen and your friends. Even delivery people weren't allowed up to the loft, to ensure Seb's privacy.

You hurried over and looked through the peephole, and opened it once you saw the doorman.

"Good morning, Richard."

"Good morning, Mrs. Stan. There is a delivery for you."

He handed you a large vase of flowers and a small box. After thanking him, you headed back to the kitchen with both items in hand. You pulled the card from the flowers to see who they were from.

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