More Rumors*

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When you woke up the next morning, you were in a great mood. You got to see Zac later, you were one day closer to being able to see Seb, and you still had weekends off. Hopefully work isn't too stressful, because you wanted this good mood to last.

Good morning, my love.

Good morning, handsome.

How'd you sleep?

Alright. The bed is too big without you.

I know, baby. Only one more week before we are together again.

I can't wait.

I have every intention of spending the entire weekend buried deep inside you, my love. I'm going to make you cum so much you can't think straight.



I don't have time to play and you're making me so wet right now. It's torture.


I want you so bad. I can't wait to see you. I miss tasting your cum on my tongue.

Now who's torturing who?

Sorry not sorry.

Be a good girl.

Yes sir.

Excited to hang out with Zac?

Yes! And excited that it's Friday and I don't have to work tomorrow.

Good. I'm glad you are excited.

I did want to ask you something.

What's up, sweetheart?

With all the tabloid drama, will it be a problem if I post pics on my IG of me hanging out with Zac? Normally, it's not a big deal. I don't want it to be an issue.

Of course it's not a problem. Fuck the tabloids. You know that I have complete trust in you. I know that you'd never do anything to hurt me or our relationship.

Never. I'd never hurt you on purpose. You are the love of my life.

I know, baby. You're the love of my life too.

I hate to say it, because I miss you and don't want to stop talking to you right now, but if I don't get in the shower in the next couple minutes, I'm going to be late for work.

I know, baby. I have to be on set soon. I love you, my beautiful girl.

I love you too, my handsome husband.

You headed to the shower, already anxious for the work day to be over. You loved your job, but you just wanted the weekend off. You wanted to hang out with Zac and just relax for awhile.

Once you finished for the day, you headed home to shower away the sweat from hours of singing and dancing.

You threw on jeans and a T-shirt, along with a pair of Converse. The plan was for you to meet Zac at the studio where his audition was being held.

He was barely out the door when you practically tackled him with a hug.

"Fuck, nerd, I missed your stupid face so much."

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