Truth or Dare*

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At 5 minutes to seven, there was a knock on your door. You smiled at the fact that Sebastian was early. As soon as you opened it, he pulled you into a hug.

"Hey, gorgeous."

"Hi, Seb."

"You look so good, baby."

You chuckled and looked down at yourself. You were in a pair of button-fly cutoff shorts and a tank top. Nothing special. You'd fixed your hair and put on minimal makeup this morning, and had only touched it up before he was supposed to be over. No sense in completely overdoing it to hang out at home. You were wearing fantastic lingerie though. You usually were, but you'd been sure to put on a set that made your tits look incredible.

"Thank you. So do you."

He smiled at that, and held up the takeout bag.


"Always. Are you a plate or eat out of the carton kind of guy?"

"Carton. You?"

"Always carton. I hate dishes."

He laughed at that and kicked off his shoes. The two of you headed into the living room, so he could set the food on the coffee table. As soon as his hands were free, he pulled you close and pressed a kiss to your lips. When he broke the kiss, you smiled wide at him.

"Want something to drink? I have water, iced tea, beer. I might have a bottle of wine somewhere."

"Beer is good."

You nodded and headed out to the kitchen. Once you were back and sitting on the couch, you looked at what he'd brought. He'd pulled out all the cartons while waiting for you. You reached for the sesame chicken, and tilted the carton toward him a bit. He grabbed a piece and smiled, before the two of you started eating.

You were slightly surprised how at ease you felt hanging out with him. You chatted while you ate, before pushing the half-empty carton onto the table and grabbing your beer.

"Hey, sweetheart, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Sure. What's up?"

"So, this is probably going to come across as super self-centered, but I was wondering if you know who I am?"

"Not self-centered. And yeah, I do. I didn't realize it until after heading to bed last night. I just knew you looked familiar, but I meet a lot of people, so that isn't uncommon."

"I know we just met and all, but I wanted to make sure you knew from the start of whatever this might be, what being with me could be entail."

"If you're referring to the paparazzi and fans, I know how it can be."

"It's just a lot to deal with, and I know that isn't easy. I don't want you to feel like you have to see me again, if that's going to be too much."

"It's not too much. I've dealt with it before. I'm not worried."

"You've dealt with it before?"

"Uh... yeah. My ex is an actor, so I had to deal with it some. Plus, I get paparazzi and shit sometimes because of work."

"Gotcha. Would it be weird to ask who your ex is?"

"Nah, it's fine. It's Zachary Levi."


You laughed. "Yeah, Chuck."

"That's cool."

"Speaking of Zac, it's probably a good time to tell you that he's still my best friend, and we talk pretty much daily. And meet up if we are in the same city. It's been an issue in the past, so I want to be upfront about it."

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