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It had been almost 3 weeks since Sebastian had left to film. You missed him like crazy, but the two of you were finding the way to make it work. He called when he could, and texted between scenes.

At first, you'd been unsure on whether you'd come across as clingy if you texted him throughout the day, but a quick conversation cleared that up. Most of the time, it was you wanting to send a funny picture, or tell him about something that had happened. He liked picking up his phone to see messages from you.

The first few nights he was away, you had a really hard time sleeping. You adjusted, and knew that your time together would be even more special. You were super excited to visit him on set though. Your weekend off was coming up, and you couldn't wait. You were performing Wednesday and Thursday, but had Friday, both shows on Saturday, and Sunday off, plus your normal Monday and Tuesday off. You were flying out to Atlanta after your show on Thursday. You'd be done and headed off to the airport by 10. It would make for a very late night, but when you'd talked about it with Seb, you'd decided that having a late night with more time together was the way to go.

You were an antsy ball of energy Thursday evening. You'd packed your bag, and brought it to the theatre. Liv was picking you up after your show and taking you to the airport.

Things with Nica were weird and tense. She was still struggling to accept Seb, and it was really hurting you. You couldn't give up Sebastian, but you didn't want to lose your friend, either. It had been almost three months since you'd met Seb, and you felt like it was past time she really gave him a chance. The two of you barely spoke, which had never happened before. She constantly compared him to Zac. She thought that the two of you should've stayed together, and it seemed to be clouding her ability to let Seb in.

Liv, on the other hand, was completely accepting of him, as she had been since day one. She'd confided in you that she had her worries about you having another very public relationship, but that didn't stop her from being happy for you, and supportive of your relationship.

You were just sitting down to take off your makeup after your show when your phone chimed with a text alert.

I can't fucking wait to see you.

I can't wait to see you, either. I miss you so much.

I miss you too, baby. I don't think I've ever missed anyone or anything as much as I miss you.

Me either. If you weren't so amazing, it wouldn't be so hard.

I'll try to be a worse boyfriend.

No, you won't. That's not who you are.

You're right. I could never purposely treat you poorly. I love you too much.

I love you too, Sebastian.

Only a few more hours...

I know! I'm taking off my makeup now.

Then stop texting me and get to it!

Yes sir.



Be my good girl.

I'll be the best girl, sir.

You always are. I love you.

I love you too.

You hurried through taking off your makeup, and changed into some comfy travel clothes. As soon as you were done, you were headed to Liv's car. She'd come inside when she got to the theatre, so you didn't have to wait for her.

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