Los Angeles*

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You were practically shaking in your seat as the plane descended at LAX. It felt like forever since you'd seen Sebastian.

You headed straight to baggage claim when you landed. When you were coming down the escalator, you caught sight of Seb. There was a small crowd around him, and he was posing for pictures and signing autographs. He hadn't seen you yet, so you walked toward him.

"Hey, handsome..." you called out when you were about 5 feet away. You'd set your carry-on down, ready to squeeze him tight.

He turned with a big smile on his face, and you launched yourself at him. You leapt into his arms, wrapped your legs around his waist, and smiled into his neck as you felt him hold you close to his body.

"My love! I'm so fucking happy you're here."

He pressed his lips to yours, completely ignoring the crowd of people taking pictures of the two of you. You kissed him back eagerly before he lowered you to your feet. He kept his arms around you, holding you tight to his chest.

"Baby, I missed you so much. And I told you that you wouldn't move me," he whispered as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. He loosened his grip, so he could wrap his arm around your shoulders.

"Sorry, guys, but my wife is here so I gotta go. It was nice to meet all of you." He waved and the two of you walked over to grab your bag.

As soon as you were in the car, he pulled your face to his. He kissed you deeply, before pulling back to rest his forehead on yours.

"Fuck, sweetheart. You have no idea how much I missed you. How badly I've just needed to be with you."

"I know, baby. I've missed you so much. And I always need to be with you. I'm so glad we have the next few days together."

He kissed you one more time, then started the drive to his hotel. He held your hand across the console, only releasing it when he needed to make a sharp turn.

While he drove, the two of you talked.

"So, what are we doing first?"

"I don't know what you're doing, but I'm doing you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I need you, baby. It's been so long since I had you."

"I need you too, Seb."

He pulled up to the hotel, and parked. As soon as you'd shut the door to his room, he had you pressed against it. He leaned forward and crashed his lips to yours. You kissed deeply as you tugged at his shirt. He pulled back with a smile and tugged it over his head. While he was doing that, you started to strip. You'd worn one of your new lingerie sets under your clothes, so you didn't get completely naked. You wanted him to see you first.

"Holy fuck, my love. You are so fucking hot. You look amazing. Fuck. I love you."

"Thank you. I love you too."

He picked you up and carried you to the bed. He tossed you on, then reached up to slide your thong down your legs. As soon as it was off, he was pushing your legs apart so he could bury his tongue in your wet pussy.

"Oh fuck, Sebastian. Baby, it feels so good. God, I've missed having your mouth on me. You make me feel so good. I'm already so close."

"Cum for me, baby. You taste so good."

You cried out his name as your orgasm made your hips roll up into his face. He licked you through it, quickly building another.

You came two more times before he softly licked you to help you calm down. Then, he kissed his way up your body. When he got to your chest, he slid his hand behind your back and flicked open the clasp on your bra. He slid it off your arms, and groaned at the sight of your naked body.

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