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Good morning, gorgeous.

Good morning, handsome. How are you feeling?

Tired, but surprisingly ok. Pretty sure the grilled cheese soaked up most of the alcohol.

I'm glad you aren't feeling shitty. Grilled cheese always helps.

I didn't know that it was something you started with Zac. Are you sure it's ok?

Of course I'm sure. Honestly, you are the only person other than me and Zac that's had drunk grilled cheese.


Seb, I'm positive. I wanted you to be a part of that. Zac even asking shows that he completely accepts you as the person I'm going to spend my life with. This was good.

I'm glad that he does, because I'm going to be with you forever. I know he's important to you, and his opinion is important.

He is and it is. But, I want to be with you, and nobody is going to change my mind. I want my friends to like you, and I want you to like my friends.

Well, Zac is funny as fuck. I can totally see why he's your best friend.

He's a really good guy. I'm glad you had a good time hanging out with him.

I did. Good times. He told me I had to ask you why the first song he played was 'The Boy Is Mine'. I was slightly confused how that was considered 90s rap.


He called you smokin' hot when he was texting me yesterday, and jokingly said "if only I'd met him before Carrie...", so I told him to "back off Brandy, the boy is mine."

You two are weird.

Yeah. You love me anyway.

Yes, I do. I am crazy in love with you.

I'm crazy in love with you too, Sebastian.

How was your show? I realized I was a shit boyfriend and called but didn't even ask how you were.

Not a shit boyfriend. I rather enjoyed the drunk phone call. You two are funny together. Even if you were weird and talked about me having sex with Zac.

I did what now?

Zac called me mom, and you immediately responded that he couldn't call me mom because he'd had sex with me.

😳 Damn. Sorry, gorgeous.

It's ok. It was funny. It's not like the three of us didn't already know that I've slept with both of you.

True. But still, let me never talk about my woman having sex with another man again.

You are the only man I'll ever have sex with again.

Damn straight. You are mine forever.

Forever. I'll never want another man. Only mine.

I know, baby. I'll only want you forever too. And fuck, I want you. Sorry I passed out before playing with you last night.

It's ok. I kinda expected it. You sounded pretty drunk. You are really good at coherent texting when drunk, btw.

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