Hanging Out With Zac

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After rehearsal on Tuesday, you hurried home so you could change out of your sweaty clothes and into some clean jeans. You had no intention of looking fancy. There was no need for that. Romero's wasn't a super classy restaurant, and you weren't going to dress up for Zac.

Hey loser, we are actually in Soho right now. Wanna share a cab to Romero's?

Sure nerd. I'm just changing into something that doesn't smell like the theatre.

Everything you own smells like the theatre, and clothes are not optional.

Well damn. There goes my plan to go to dinner naked. Always such a spoilsport, Zachary. Give me 10 minutes and I'll meet you on the street.

Pretty sure my girlfriend wouldn't be pleased with me picking up chicks on the street.

At least it's not on a corner...

You finished changing and headed downstairs. You were super excited to squeeze the shit out of Zac. It had been a few months since you'd seen each other. You were leaning against the wall to your building when your phone chimed with a text alert.

Hey gorgeous.

Hey handsome.

I know you are headed out for dinner. I just wanted to see how work was. I know you were stressed with the new cast debuting tomorrow.

It went a lot better than I expected. Dress rehearsal for new cast usually ends up being a total disaster. We only had a few issues.

Good. I'm glad to hear it went pretty well. I hope you have fun hanging out with Zac and his sister.

I actually meant to ask you if you minded me telling Zac that I'm with someone? I won't tell him who, but I know he will ask. I don't want to lie, but your feelings are important and I will respect whatever you think is best.

I'm totally fine with that. I still want to keep things on the DL, but I don't have an issue with you telling him that you're in a relationship. I don't expect you to lie. I wouldn't hesitate to say that I'm in a relationship if I'm asked by a friend. I'm proud that you are mine, baby. Someday, I'm going to show you off to the world.

Ugh. Stop being so sweet and amazing.

Not gonna happen, gorgeous. Now go have fun and text me later.

Yes sir.


Sorry not sorry.

Be my good girl and I'll reward you.

I'll be such a good girl for you.

You couldn't wipe the smile off your face. You knew the cheesy grin would have Zac asking questions, but you couldn't help it. You were too distracted thinking about Seb to notice the cab pull up. It was only when you were scooped up into a huge hug, and you caught a whiff of Zac's cologne that you realized they were there.

"Hey, loser! I fucking missed your stupid face!"

"I fucking missed your stupid face too, nerd." You chuckled and squeezed him again. Shekinah was standing next to the cab, so you stepped over to her and reached out for a hug.

"Hey, y/n. It's been awhile," she said warmly.

"Hey, Shekinah. It has been! I'm excited to hang out with you!"

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