Going Public*

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You woke up to the sound of your phone chiming with text alerts. Seb's phone was ringing too, so you were expecting some sort of drama.

"Seb, your phone." You pressed a kiss to his chest, and pulled back so he could move to grab it. While he answered it, you picked up your phone to check your texts.

Hey loser. I'm apparently devastated.

Hey nerd. Why are you devastated?

How dare you cheat on your ex-boyfriend with your current boyfriend?!

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How dare you cheat on your ex-boyfriend with your current boyfriend?!

Well fuck. So much for us not being public yet.

Sorry loser.

Not your fault. I wonder who contacted the press. We've been careful about not being seen together. Neither of us thought it would be an issue on set. You know how strict Marvel is about everything.

Yeah. That really sucks. What are you going to do?

I don't know. Seb is on the phone. I'm guessing it's either his publicist or his manager. Guess I'll find out what the plan is once he hangs up.

If there is anything you need from me, just let me know.

How's Carrie with all this?

She's good. She knows that we aren't together. She didn't know about you and Sebastian, but when she asked me, I didn't deny it.

Glad this isn't an issue for her.

Me too. We've been in the press a lot the last few months.

Yeah. I'm sorry about that.

Don't be. I'm not worried about being in some stupid tabloid.

You know I'm still sorry.

That's because you are a mushy little bitch.

Yeah, I really am.

Anyway, Seb just hung up. I'm gonna figure out what's up. I'll let you know if I need anything.

Sounds good. Later loser.


You set down your phone and turned to look at Seb.


"I'm sorry, baby. I don't know who would've seen us and contacted the tabloids."

"You don't have to be sorry. Shit happens. I'm sorry that our relationship leaked before you were ready for us to go public."

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