Chapter Four: Final Test

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 It had been five months since Rukia and Rangiku had taken  Ulquiorra to the Soul Society. That left Ichigo and rest of the group to watch over Orhime and keep her safe from afar. As they watched over her though they realized that she rarely smiled or laughed anymore. It was like the light  had faded from her eyes  and her soul was barley there.

When Orihime started to get worse they sent Renji back to the Soul Society to check on Ulquiorra and the girls. They had understood that in order for Ulquiorra to live freely in the Soul Society with Orihime he needed to complete a series of tests to prove that he could be trusted and woulnd't cause a threat to anyone. But they wanted to know when it would all be over and when he would be able to come to the world of the living to be with their dear friend and sister. Renji came back with a simle on his face but some concern in his eyes.

"He's on the last test." Renji said

"What is the last test? You look a bit concered about it."Uryu asked

"It's Aizen. They want to test him to see if his love for Orihime is true. To see if it was just all a trick in order to free Aizen from his prison." Renji explained

"Well I guess that would make sence. He would need to push Aizen away from him. Make it known he wants nothing to do with the man that tried to kill the girl he loved. Yea that makes a lot of sense. Ichigo said.

"Yea. Well I'm going to back to see if he passes this test. You'll know if he did when he comes back here with us. See you guys later." Renji said

Renji said his good byes and heade back to the Soul Society. When he got there that last test was for Ulquiorra had already started. Renji went to where Rukia and Rangiku were waiting for Ulquiorra and waited with them. All they could do was wait and hope for the best for their new friend and pray that he would pass this test and be able to go back to Orihime soon.

Ulquiorra stood in front of a smirking Aizen with out any sign of emotion. He hated this man with every fiber on his being but he also thanked him even though he hated doing so. This man was the reason for all of this. Yes he thanked him for the chance of acctualy meeting Orihime and getting to know her but he didn't like the fact wait no scratch like he hated the fact that this man this...abomanation almost got Orihime killed. That he used her powers for evil instead of what they were originaly for. Orihime is everything that is good and that is what her powers were made for. Ulquiorra flinched a little when Aizen began to talk to him.

"My cuatro espada. You have come to free me." Aizen said with a grin

"No" Ulquiorra simply said

"What was that my cuatro espada?" Aizen asked frowning

"Let me make this as clear as day for you trash. No I didn't come to free you. I came to tell you that I have no intrest in freeing you. I came to tell I no longer follow you." Ulquiorra said

"Oh? And who is it you follow now Ulquiorra?" Aizen asked

"I will only follow Inoue Orihime to the ends of all the worlds." Ulquiorra simply said

"That human girl? And what is it that she promised you? What could be better then what I have promised?" Aizien asked getting angry

"Love. My women promises me love. To love me for who I am and to be mine forever. She is mine and I am hers . I no longer belong to you because I now belong to her. Now this is the last time we'll probaly ever meet. Next time well I'm hoping there wont be a next time. Goodbye Soske Aizen."

Ulquiorra turned and walked away from an angry screaming Aizen. He was finally free from Aizen now all he needed was for the head captaian to let him go home to his women. To his Orihime. He stopped in front of the head  and waited.

"Sciffer Ulquiorra you have passed all test. You have been noticed as an ally to the Soul Society you now may live and protect the world of the living along side Ichigo Kurosaki." The head captian said 

This was it he was completly free to be with his love, his woman, his Orihime.

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